LOL, look at the caliber of guys you are talking about... Did Bruno ever knock DOWN a fighter as good as any of them? Pathetic troll job
Love how you get all bent-of-shape about stuff flike this..... kinda like the rest of this sorry-ass forum. ::
Absolutely disagree. THis is what I would call offensive abilities, or being a ko artist. Or the difference between power and effective power. FOr example, Ben tackie had incredible power, but was a poor ko artist.
Big difference between loading up on a punching machine and throwing a punch in a ring....and not just in terms of converting raw power into landed shots, they're pretty much different movements displaying different attributes. a powerlifter with 50 inch vert won't be able to execute a running jump ala a slam dunk as well as an nba player with a much smaller standing vert...same deal
I don't give a shit if Hasim Rachman had a higher punch psi than Foreman. Results in the ring speak for themselves. Bruno likely had the POTENTIAL to be a great puncher, but was too stiff to maximize his power. Because George was far more loose and fluid his punches had a more devastating effect, and that's all that matters.
We're not talking about results....we're debating who has biggest punching power. And, as we've seen (and furthermore, it's ruffled the precious & subjective FB Know-It-All fuckwits) - it appears that Bruno has equivalent punching-power to Foreman, Shavers, 'Big Cat' Williams, ::
Bruno's not even the biggest punching Tyson victim, let alone a Foreman-like puncher. Since we're talking punchers, Ruddock was a much bigger puncher than Bruno as well.
What you have to realize is that is that in boxing the SNAP of the punch is really what creates the power.... much moreso than the brute force. The snap creates the concussive force. Foreman didn't have great handspeed, but he had a lot more SNAP on his punches than Bruno and thus his power was more concussive/devastating. Whether or not Bruno had heavier hands we don't know. And really, it's irrelevant if he did, because Foreman was clearly the more devastating puncher. It probably did have a lot to do with how stiff he was. The free flowing snap generates more power than brute force and muscles do.
ah shaddup! You're babbling son. You need me to rescue you. What it is is this.... Hitting a machine a recording your PSI is one thing, translating that into a usable punch in the ring is something different. It's conceivable that a big ape ( no racism) like Bruno could load up and hit a power measurement machine harder than a guy like Shavers. However in a fight a guy doesn't have all that time to load up, his power is a combination of timing placement and choice of punch at appropriate time as much as it is about raw force. Foreman didn't necessarily have more "snap" than Bruno but he had more fluidity to the way he punches which allowed him more openings to land the big shots than Bruno had. In terms of Tyson vs Bruno. Bruno probably hit hard on a machine being the bigger heavier man with the longer arms for loading up but Tyson did have more "snap" die to speed and athleticism as well as better repertoire giving him greater opportunity to land. Shavers was faster than Bruno and had a far less telegraphed right hand so the opponent didn't have as much time to brace for the punch like they would have had against Bruno. He also timed his punches better and catching the opponent at the right time can trump power.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Just sayin'...
The trailer for Rocky IV was one of the best trailers ever. I was beyond hyped for that film back then.
Ben Tackie couldn't consistently hit anybody ranked in the top 10 in his division But Frank Bruno's shots DID land and he failed to deter the 4 different guys who walked him down 5 times and stopped him... There's no "holy fuck, how did he survive that shot?" moments you got in Shavers' losses... It's Bruno landing shots, the other guy not going anywhere and Bruno getting owned in the end. Shavers sucked as a finisher but he put serious hurt at least once on every guy he fought... And you can't write it off to Bruno having a shaky jaw or a bad gas tank, Shavers had just as shaky a jaw and an even worse gas tank
But Ive backed up my statements with fact from guys who know what they're talking about and box professinally...
But bruno wasnt commiting to his punches most of the time. He was fighting in that carefull, even scared manner, most of the time. But when the guy was digging into his punches, he had enormous power. Shavers, on the opposite, was always swinging for the fences. He was believing a lot more in his power than bruno was, and was also a lot faster than Bruno. Thats why i think he was a more effective puncher, but not neccessarly a bigger one
Bruno hit Lewis with some very solid shots, and although he did hurt Lewis at one point, he never had him on serious queen street. If the 70s Foreman had hit Lewis that cleanly, I'd be inclined to think Lewis would need smelling salts.
Not necessarily. Lewis is a funny one. He had an unusual chin. Neither Rahman or McCall were particularly big punchers ( Rahman couldn't KO chinny Maskaev on two tries and Bruno survived McCall) but they both one punch KOd him. Vitali, Morrison, Bruno and a few other big punches hit that chin and Lewis stood up and never left his feet. I'm not sure Foreman would beat Lewis.
Morrison never landed clean on Lewis. And Vitali was NOT NOT a puncher on the same level as 70s Foreman.