I think you're looking at Floyd-Hatton all over again. Ray pushes Broner hard, and puts up a helluva fight, but in the end Broner's speed, skills, and accuracy would take it's toll on Ray's face and wide open defense.
Most people were saying that Demarco was a "step up" for Broner. Then when Adrien destroys Demarco, everybody writes it off. Now clearly, Mancini was several levels above Demarco, but still, Ray never showed he could beat anybody with the talent level that Broner obviously has. Ray's legend has mainly been built on him hanging tough against Arguello. Granted, he was impressive in beating Ramirez, but Ramirez had nothing in terms of the speed and sharpness that Broner has.
jury is still out on broner as has been stated. but the bottom line here is that he is simply a much bigger guy than mancini.
DeMarco is nothing, that was obvious long before he fought Broner. He's clearly below average at world level. I agree with Slice, I'd like to see him against someone in Mancini's league before proclaiming this would be "Floyd Hatton all over again".
honestly, i think mancini would fuck Broner up, even with the size disadvantage. 80s>10s by allot, bottom line
::... You Simply CAN'T Reduce a Mythical Matchup Down to Decades, Brother Hut...That's THE SAME Bullshit that Got Romanza Ran OFF of this Site... Contrary to Belief, Every Single Fighter from the 80's WOULDN'T Beat Every Single Fighter from the 10's.... REED:nono:
A good champ who managed 5 title wins in the 80s will beat any 10s fighter, with very few exceptions.
The talent pool in the 80's was w/o question deeper than today, but Broner APPEARS to have the talent level to have competed even back then. Am I saying that Broner is good enough to have beaten a Chavez, or Pryor? HELL NO! But let's not overrate Mancini, and act like it's SUCH a stretch that Broner outclasses him.
Mancini was very good, though... better than Ricky Hatton and so much better than a scrub like Demarco as to be ridiculous
agREED with those who think Broner needs to face better opposition to get an idea about how he would do against a fighter of Mancini's caliber. Mancini wasn't a great, but he was a very good and tough world class fighter who was a pretty big jump in class from Broner's current resume.
this thread should serve as a reminder to anyone tempted to declare spence or TC as p4p entrants before they've really been challenged.
Holy shit. I made a huge mistake in this thread. Can't be afraid to admit when you're wrong. Very wrong in this case. Mancini would have beaten the dog shit outta AB.
Why cause they all black? What about GGG?? But I AGREE.....TC has one fight against chubby Gamboa....and Spence just lit up Algieri.....