Die... If he Couldnt Beat Rockhold Back When, He Damn Sure Ain't Beating Him NOW... Rockhold in 2, 3 Max... REED
There were some great fights in the prelims. Clay Guida just got knocked the fuck out by Brian Ortega. Marco Polo Reyes / Dong Hyun Kim is a contender for fight of the year. This was a different Dong, not the famous one.
He got a gift decision against an over the hill Anderson Silva. He doesn't deserve a title shot, but Weidman pulled out with an injury. Weidman / Rockhold 2 would have been fun.
Dan Henderson pulled out a miracle in the second round. Elbows of doom. I thought they were going to stop it in the first.
I always love seeing MMA guys doing shit that a 15 year old amateur boxer wouldn't do and getting GTFO
I also notice that in MMA there is usually always a fight that NOBODY picks the winner in, quite regularly. Literally everyone thought Bisping had about the same chance as Douglas had against Tyson. I didn't see anybody seriously picking him. Rockhold fought like an idiot. I think Bispings mouth got to him. All he had to do was keep distance with his kicks and he would win the fight easily. I wouldn't have advised him to throw any punches and commit himself like that when he has such good kicks. What an idiot.
Does anyone think Bisping has a chance against Weidman? I thought he had zero chance against Anderson and Rockhold.
Props to Bisping. I think he's decent enough, but I figured his chances to beat Rockhold were no better, probably even worse, than Faber's chances to beat Cruz. This is just a clear advantage mma has over boxing. Sure things just aren't sure things. In some ways it's a disadvantage, but I went straight from a concert to a bar to watch the last two fights on this card because it's mma and shit happens.
I just found out the results this morning. I didn't even watch the fights because I figured Bisping had zero chance of winning, and I couldn't give any shits about Cruz or Faber. TFK
Hopefully it's the end of Faber as a title contender. Dude has been given a million chances, and he fails miserably almost every time (bar the second cruz fight which was fairly close)
Faber was a great champion back in the day. He had already lost a step by the time he came to the UFC. He can still beat a lot of guys, but I don't see him getting another title shot.
Faber looked juiced last night, I thought. Because he can still beat a lot of guys and he apparently likes to fight, I think he will get another title shot.
He wasn't a great champion. He was a good one, and ruled over a very weak division when a lot of the best fighters in his weight classe were in Japan.