good fight at 147. mosley has big advantage in speed and footwork. but quartey's strength and jab could counter this.
Prime-for-prime this would be a close fight. I'd side with Shane, since I trust Mosley more in a close fight than I do Ike. Quartey would probably be up after 9 rounds. Then Shane would win it in the championship rounds. Mosley by MD.
See that's what confuses me: you'd pick Mosley to beat Ike but pick Ike to beat Floyd when you know as well as I do that Floyd does everything better than Shane, everything.
No, but there isn't a huge gulf, same with hand speed . Fine, Mosley had faster hands ( in flurry form) and heavier hands, and that folks ends his advantage over Floyd. Patterson had those advantages over Ali too. Mosley had those advantages over Forrest and Wright too. Zab Judah had those advantages over Tszyu too. You guys are ignorant and know not this sport except theory and history books. No practical applicable knowledge. Except Ugo and a handful of others
Here's a FACT: There isn't ONE single fighter on Floyd's win resume who prime Mosley wouldn't have also defeated. And in many if not most cases, done so more impressively than Floyd. For instance, anybody see young Mosley going 10 grueling rounds with Hatton? Cause I see Shane rendering Ricky unconscious within 6.
I think you need to go back to school because your teachers clearly didn't tell you the difference between a fact and an opinion. It's easy to say that AFTER Floyd has already decimated them and then saying Shane would have done better. Floyd made it look easy. Mosley does not virtuoso Corrales and does not virtuoso Canelo and beats down Gatti eventually but does not make him look like a homeless guy in the street who never put on gloves before. Floyd does not get dominated by Forrest, Floyd does not get dominated by Wright. Floyd does not have a close fight with Rivera. Shane does not win 9/10 rounds off Cotto. You know nothing about boxing if you think Mosley is a better fighter than Floyd. Nothing. You may as well hand in your boxing fan card and wear a cunt sticker on your forehead. Lol
I love Chico Corrales. One of his biggest all time fans, but Shane would have given Corrales an unholy beating. Chico wouldn't have have been competitive at all. Prime Shane has a pretty good chance of stopping Crapnelo. If Crapnelo opened up enough. But knowing Crapnelo, he becomes a "good boy" and is content on going into his shell and losing a decision. And we don't KNOW for a fact how Floyd fares against prime Forrest and prime Wright - his opposition was never that good.
Honestly, dude, and I say this not as a Floyd fan....but as a boxing fan, if you are honestly telling me that Shane Mosley is a better fighter than Floyd Mayweather jnr, I have to question your knowledge of the game. Anyone that knows the sport and knows how to identify boxing ability and talent ( hit and not get hit, ring intelligence and generalship, counter punching etc) anyone, knows that Floyd is a better fighter than Shane p4p, Welterweight or whatever. It shouldn't even be a debate among so called boxing experts.
I never said Floyd wasn't the better fighter. All I said was.... prime Shane beats everybody on Floyd's overrated ass resume.