including the myth about the 97% consensus and also the link alarmists try to make between climate change and hurricanes:
See this right here is way you have to respect the RIGHT....the GOPers...the REPUBLICANS...even with the fact hitting them in the face.....they find it in their heart to disregard the FACTS!!!... They can witness a rape...guy smacking the girl around, holding her down, knocking her teeth out, ripping off her short skirt(she deserve it), ripping off those sinful victoria secret lace bikini panties(whore!! she deserve)...but as long as the rapist is a Josh Duggar...and the victim(sex partner) is a Jezebel lively's ALL GOOD...and NOT rape..
what facts? facts are exactly what's mossing from the climate alarmists, which explains why they had to fabricate data. ::
I've explained my position loads of times. I'm not a climatologist. I don't know enough to have a valid opinion on the subject. But I work at a University with loads of scientists. They know more than enough about the science to hold valid opinions. They are all experts. So I asked them if climate change was a real, man-made problem. Every single one of them said it is. All of them. That's good enough for me. I'll take their carefully researched and nuanced views over those of journalists, politicians and corporate interests. MTF
Like, honestly, how arrogant do you have to be to think you know more than actual scientists about a matter of complex science? Why would anyone listen to a journalist on a matter of science? MTF :dunno:
I don't care about the thousands of biologists, geologists, physicists and their centuries of research, the fossil records, the dna evidence or any of that. Evolution is a hoax because I went to a web site that said so. Also my learned southern baptist pastor agrees.
no, doub, YOU are an imbecile A brainwashed, batshit crazy moron Your entire existence revolves around confirmation bias, you suck at critical thinking