First episode airs tomorrow :bears: Cannae wait <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Incredible footage: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I've got this recorded, but blimey, that Iguana was so so lucky. How on Earth did it escape? Can move when it wants to! That looked terrifying.
AgREED. Shame it isn't broadcast in 4K HD, then. First episode was great. Love stuff like this - it's what the BBC does best. MTF
I have the first Planet Earth series on Blue Ray. Can't describe how good it looks in 4K HD. Shame I had to pay £50-odd for the Blue Ray instead of the BBC, one of the world's foremost broadcasters, couldn't be arsed to broadcast in in 4K HD instead. MTF
I can't stand nature documentaries. Nothing against them, though, but I watched waaaaayyy toooo mannyyyyy as a kid when there were only three tv stations and every Sunday night I was always praying that the Wonderful World of Disney episode wasn't about 'the wild animal-of-the-week' since every Thursday night I always got my dose of nature documentaries with National Geography. It came to a point I really didn't want to see any more animal species except for human females in their habitat.
I'll wait until I buy a 75" LG OLED 4K a few years when the prices drop enough to not drain my bank account.
1:25 was epic. It reminds me of when playing football as a kid, there would be a ruck of players around a ball and all of a sudden the fattest slowest kid emerges with the ball, victorious. I thought those snakes had him, but he got free and put on some mad jumps over those rocks, then finishes it off with that last, final leap.
Agreed. It was like an action movie scene, especially that last leap with the snake missing by millimetres and falling down the hole.
You see it taped in different camera angles. The original iguana went to its trailer to get a rest and drink a pina colada while its 3 stuntguanas did all the running. All three were eaten by the snakes and the original iguana returned for its triumphant close-up.