Forget the critics and their art house picks for Best Movie of the Year. Which movie YOU pick as the best one you watched in 2016? Mine was a no-brainer for me:
These Days, REED Doesn't Go to the Theatre More than 1-2 Times a Year, if That...Best Movie he Saw in 2016 is an EASY Choice... REED:hammert:
I really like this movie called Victoria, I think it's from 2015 but I saw it a couple of weeks ago. It's about a Spanish girl partying in Berlin and hooking up with a German guy and his buddies, and then things take a sinister turn when one of them has to return a favour for a local gangster. It's notable for having been filmed in a single, continuous shot. Might like it: Noblefart, Anthony, lb4lb, SliceNdice Won't like it: panchyprsss
As funny as it sounds, I only sat down and watched one movie this year. It was at work and it was actually the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore were in it. It was supposed to be a comedy but it was about as funny as terminal cancer. It think it was called "Duplex." I did see part of "Straight Outta Compton" and it was really good but I need to see the whole thing. I have always liked NWA and the solo work of Eazy, Ice Cube, Dre and MC Ren.
Yeah I think for me it was Captain America Civil War and if that's true it's really sad. Although admittedly I didn't see nearly as many films this year as I normally do.
I have a bad memory for year end lists: I wanna say "Calvary", though that probably came out a year earlier. I also enjoyed "DeadPool", though I've gotta admit I must not have seen too many good movies if that heads the list.
I watched the best reviewed film of the year, Love & Friendship based on the Jane Austen novel 'Lady Susan' and after 40 minutes I turned it off. When a movie viewing feels like a freaking CHORE, you know that this art house bore is not for you. :nono: My second best viewing of the year was The Jungle Book the most fun I had watching a family movie in years!
¨Where are you taking me?!¨ (exclaimed out loud to a Great White Shark) I am, of course, talking about the unintentionally hilarious ´The Shallows´...
Haven't watched a lot of this years movies. Off the top of my head i liked Hell or High Water The Nice Guys Deadpool Rochelle, Rochelle
I, Daniel Blake - 'A middle aged carpenter who requires state welfare after injuring himself, is joined by a single mother in a similar scenario' Wow. Winning. opcorn:
That's not in doubt. The thing with Ken Loach movies (for me at least) is....they're so gritty and urban and indicative of modern working-class life that they become hard to watch.
I watched Hell or High Water over the weekend. Very solid movie. Not a classic, but a good movie. One of the better movies of the very mediocre 2016.
Well shit, I SAW it in 2016.............I think......could have been 2015....maaaaaybe 2014. I can tell you one thing. It was no "Point Break". :nono: