...Until Jeff Horn TRADES UP???... Seriously, the Hour Glass has Been Turned Over and the Sand is Literally Running Out...Mrs. Horn is on BORROWED Time, Fellas... Fresh Off THE Biggest Fight of his Career, In his Hometown, Broadcast to a Worldwide Audience...Jeff Horn is about to Become THE Man in Australia, if he Isn't Already... w/the Increase in Demands for his Time, So Tooo Will There Be Increased Attention from FEMALES...Hot, Opportunistic Females...And Horn's a Well Built, Good Looking Dude... Does Horn Make it Out of 2017 w/Out Dipping his "Toe" in Other Ponds, So to Speak???...Does the Marriage Last til 2020???...Will the Marriage Become "Open", All of a Sudden???.. REED
If Terrance Crawford continues to remain with that buffalo he calls a wife, then maybe Horn will stay with this ogor.
While on the topic of boxer's wives, we really need to give Ray Leonard his props. His wife, Bernadette Robi, is one BADDDDD mutha shut yo mouth, even as she ages.
crawford stuck with that broad and has also managed to put like 6 babies in her. bradley stuck with his wildabeast despite making 8 figures
6???...GOTdamn!!!... Who Does Crawford Think he Is, Evander Holyfield???.. Bradley's Situation was ALWAYS Weird, Especially Considering She ALREADY Had Kids by the Time They Got Together... REED
Crawford wife is pretty good looking for a thick woman. And a lot of black I know like thick women so I'm not surprised he stayed with her. Horn wife has a lot less going for her
Make NOOOO mistake, Crawford's wife is not THICK.... she's OBESE. It's very true that brothas like THICK women.... but there's a big difference between thick and fat. I do agree that face wise, she's not ugly. But she'd have lose considerable weight to be fuckable in my book.
I think your pretty harsh on her to be honest. She's really not the style of women I like and I would still probably do her
Horn's a pretty basic, suburban school-teacher type of guy. He drives a 1984 Toyota Camry and lives in a shack. I reckon he'll stick with his pregnant childhood sweetheart and not get overwhelmed with the trappings.
Broner has a fine looking woman, but she's likely a celebrity gold digger that's been with half the industry. Bradley sticking with his wife is interesting because she like Jin Mosley was for Shane, manages Bradley and helps with negotiations, my understanding is. We shall see how Horn handles his overnight fame now.
No homo, but Shane in his younger days was a good lookin dude and could probably get with most chicks, so it's surprising he'd let Jin control him like that. Bradley on the other hand is a ninja turtle lookin muhfucka with an oversized head. He probably believes he's fucking right on his level.
It's only fitting that The Greatest would have the sexiest wife of any boxer in history. Veronica Porsche was GORGEOUS:
Stevenson sidebitch is extremely fine looking. Look like maria carey with huge gigantic boobs. Tried to hook her up before she was with stevenson, but only had little success :(
Since he one upped Manny in the ring, maybe he'll have his wife challenge Jinkee for the "Most Improved But Not Enough Via Plastic Surgery Award."