I must be missing something with Lomachenko because I don't see anything particularly outstanding with him. Just a competent-at-everything boxer
Loma is throwing too many bullshit shoeshinners. Probably cause he doesn't take Marriega as a threat, but he better stop doing this if he faces Garcia
This Colombian fucktard can supposedly bang yet can't pull the trigger when Lomachenko is in the corner waving him on....
Yeah that's good...and his overall ring generalship but the suck-ups on this forum proclaim him as the Second Coming....
Lomachenko is the best athlete in my lifetime in boxing. Didn't think I'd ever see a better athlete than Roy Jones Jr but this guy is a video game.
This fight doesnt tell us anything we didn't already knew on loma. It's pretty much obvious that it will take a special talent to even trouble loma.
He is obviously good. He's got the best footwork in the game, great punch selection, angles, throws in combinations, a shit load of tricks up his sleeve and defensively sound. Not to mention he is arguably the greatest amateur of all time. He is obviously a special talent.
He 'slides' forwards like a predatory eel who's curious about what's in front of him,.. then his opponents curl up and die in the corner from stress,.. .......
Man that's 3 white flags in a row! Loma's opponents get so frustrated that they can't catch him with anything while getting beat down that they just give up.
REED's Got to SEE That to BELIEVE it... Granted, it Would Take Mikey a Round or 3 to Acclimate Himself to Lomachenko's Speed/Angles and TIME his Advances... Still a 50/50 Fight in REED's Opinion... REED
Yeah, but in a GOOD Way... He ENJOYS Beating his Opponents Physically AND Mentally...& If he Can't Leave his Opponent Prone on the Canvas, Rocky Martinez Style, then he Wants to Completely BELITTLE Him... He's Either Knocking You the Fuck Out OR Making You Tap Out...REED Looooooooooves that Competitive Arrogance... REED Would Rather a Fighter Veer More Towards Being an Asshole than Being Tooooooooooo NICE w/All the Glove Touchy, Sugar Shane Shit... REED
REED Watches It... That Being Said, REED Was Watching it On NFL Network, So When he Turned to ESPN, Expecting to See Boxing, it Also Pissed REED Off... ESPN's Hyped this Card for the Last Couple Months, Yet, On the NIGHT Of the Fucking Event, Boxing Fans Get Some Preemptive Bullshit???... Casuals, Who May Have Tuned In to See What All the Lomachenko Fuss is About, Undoubtedly TURNED the Channel, When the Program they were Expecting @ 9pm CST Wasn't On...This Was a Showcase Fight for Lomachenko, Who Held Up His End of the Bargain... Unfortunately, the Networks Didn't...Which is Sad Considering the Litany of Affiliate Stations ESPN Has... REED
Yeah. They ended up showing the prelim on espn2 and then i had to flip back to espn to catch the main event. Was thinking the same thing - no way in hell does a single casual fan figure this shit out. If i were top rank i would be really pissed.