I could see it, but I'd favor Fenech. I think his buzzsaw attack would make things very uncomfortable for Naz, and he'd bully Naz with his inhuman physical strength. Of course, there's the possibility that Naz lands that one bomb that stops Fenech, but I think the most likely scenario is that Fenech survives some scary moments and outworks Hamed. McGuigan would be a different story. I think Naz stops Barry. And if we were talking about Fenech vs the featherweight Pac, it'd be a different story. Manny would light Fenech up.
Yeah...Pacquiao would absolutely butcher both Fenech and McGuigan. You never know with Prince Hamed though because of his unique style and approach. Still Hamed I think was a little too dynamic for Fenech
Pac would destroy McGuigan in a one sided fight. It would resemble a longer version of Pac-Hatton. I think Fenech's style is uncomfortable for Pac early on, but once Pac gets into his groove by the mid rounds, Jeff would start to get beat up.
Sly, you know I'm harsh on Pac at 147, but at 126, on the night he beat Barrera, I'd give him a pretty good chance of beating any featherweight in history. That includes Sanchez, as Sal did not have a great defense for an ATG.
Fenech should win but his style would give Hamed plenty of chances to do damage. I could see Hamed landing enough bombs to stop him.
I have little doubt about it. That was the one fight that made me a true Pacquiao believer. Not sure if you remember, but I used to argue with Slice all the time, saying Manny was a speedy hypejob and Morales and Barrera would school him etc. That Manny was a ferocious wild beast, with speed and power eminating from every pore, that just could not be stopped
Manny was wild at featherweight. He'd have been hard for any 126 pounder to beat. I don't think he was a great welterweight. I'd have picked many 147 pounders to beat him. But back to the topic. I'd take Fenech over Hamed. But Hamed is very live. Anything can happen.
I remember very well the build-up to Pac-MAB on this forum. Anybody who claims today that they picked Pac is a liar. Damn near 100% of the forum picked MAB, including myself. I didn't think Pac was a hypejob, BUT... the general consensus at the time was that he had a weak chin, and was basically just a poor man's Hamed. None of us had ANY CLUE until that night how good he was. Anybody who claims otherwise is lying.
I think Fenech walks into some choice bombs that hurt him and turn it in Ham-head's favor He makes a whole shitload of excuses afterwards