I had Lipinets winning 10-2, and thought that Mikey was very Mayorga-ish in his technique. Also, the KD was a clear slip. Mikey landed a left hook on Lip's jaw which caused his legs to trip up on him. That's called a slip. Come at me bro!
Agreed. That site (formerly known as eastsideboxing) has always been a very pro-Euro place (I should know, I wrote articles for them for years) but lately they have been posting mindless crap, usually bashing fighters for no reason or given extremely one-sided recaps (last time with Groves-Eubank). Not sure either if it is just to be controversial for creating traffic but it seems that could be the case.
Browsed Boxingscene's forum a few times. They make Eastside's posters seem like geniuses by comparison. Would never waste my time posting there. This thread inspired me to check out what it's looking like at BoxingFanatics. Jeeeyyssssusss Christ it's dead over there!
Sounds like nothing has changed. I posted there many years back when Cupey still owned this joint and the forum was down forever.
BF was a quality forum circa 00-02, back it was it was my MAIN forum and S/O was secondary. Can't remember at which point it began to badly decline, but probably around the mid 00s. Thing about BoxingFanatics, the forum was OBSESSED with Roy hating. So after Roy became shot and was no longer relevant, I feel like they had nothing else to talk about.