If you’re talking about the Canelo that fought Trout, Floyd and Lara then Crawford beating him isn’t crazy at all. I think he’s better now but the only on paper evidence is him getting a gift draw against GGG.
"the way they were promoting it all week, i thought the fight was on espn, not the app" says this charlemagne dickhead. but i thought they didnt promote the fight at all?
Charlamagne ain't alone though, Neil. I had SEVERAL of my boys calling me and messaging me on FB talkin about "I thought Crawford was fightin on ESPN! Where's it at????" A couple of the guys I'm talking about are MORE than just casuals. Unless you're boxing junkies the way we are, you're not gonna know the fight is on ESPN+ until last minute. Which is why it was a retarded idea NOT to have that fight on primetime ESPN, and it cost Bud a lot of exposure, even if he made 3 mil. What SHOULD HAVE been done is have the Horn fight on regular ESPN, and if anything, put Crawford's return in November on the app. But they're actually doing the opposite, cause Arum said TC's November return will be regular ESPN. I do have to respect the fact that Charlamagne told Bud to his face that Spence gonna beat him. BTW - by time these two get it on, Spence is almost definitely gonna be the "A-side". He's already a bigger mainstream name than Crawford.
i had friends also asking me about the crawford fight and thinking it was on espn. but i was told by reed that there was NO promotion or mention of crawford fighting at all the week of the bout. which simply is untrue.
Spence hinting that Vargas might be next for him. He wants to stay busy waiting on the Garcia-Porter winner. Yet another slaughter. I can't see Jesse lasting longer than 5.
Vargas won’t have enough to keep Spence off him. He’ll try and give it an honest go but he’s just outgunned in every department.
Going back to Spence-Crawford, I think you'd have to go all the way back to Jones-Toney for a matchup that featured two undefeated, black American P4P fighters facing off in their primes. Only I'm sure Spence-Crawford would become a bigger mainstream fight than Jones-Toney, which I believe did putrid PPV numbers.
Oh btw, props to The Breakfast Club... they give boxing more exposure than they do any other sport. They have on more boxers than they do any other athletes. Just in the last two years.... the Breakfast Club has had on Spence, Davis, Wilder, Devin Haney, Crawford, Broner, Hopkins, Oscar, and Triple G. Kinda surprised they haven't had on Danny Garcia yet, considering Garcia is well known in the Hip Hop community.
so not only did charlemagne mention "the way they were promoting it ALL WEEK" in regards to espn's promotion of crawfords fight, crawford himself admitted that he is not a very keen on doing interviews with the media to promote himself as a reason why he isnt a bigger star already.
Crawford used to have a rep as having no personality, but it's apparent now that's far from true. He's overly shy and aloof with the media, but when you get into deep interviews with him, he actually is charismatic, witty, and totally blunt and raw... he's not a FAKE personality like a certain equine's hero. You can also tell that even though he's not the most well spoken guy, Bud is intelligent... unlike Davis, who seems borderline retarded.
Is Crawford popular? I would think he's rather unknown in the US, bar the shithole he's from, but hey, what do I know.
Outside of Nebraska, no, he's still not a household name. BUT... the good news is.... boxing in general is bit more popular now than it was a couple of years ago. I have no stats or data to back this, just anecdotal evidence. I'm especially talking about within the black community, boxing has seen a resurgence in how frequently it's discussed and debated. Which is basically a return of how it used to be... outside of basketball and American football, there's no other sport that black Americans love as much as boxing. Mind you, I grew up in an era in NYC when the ONLY black American athlete even bigger than Michael Jordan.... was Tyson.
See that's where we differ, I don't think little Terry is anywhere near as good as 36 year old Floyd, like not even close. In fact he could only dream of having defense as good as 36 year old Floyd. He was getting tagged clean by the the drunk retarded Aussie special - Horn's lunge forward right hand. Canelo is too big for little Terry. When has Terry proved he can take a shot from someone anywhere near as powerful as Canelo? He hasn't, because he hasn't fought anyone.
todays crawford is a better all around fighter than part time fighting, PEDing, 36 year old mayweather jr. not better defensively, but fresher legs, harder hitting, in his physical peak. he is still good enough defensively to move and turn alvarez for 12 rounds
I wouldn't want Spence and Crawford to meet just yet...this fight needs more building up. Crawford needs to fight Garcia or Porter and Spence needs to fight Thurman. Then we can make the fight. Not enough significance yet. Right now it's just two highly talented fighters going at it.
Problem is if it doesn't happen soon it may never happen. Spence will definitely outgrow 147 and crawford looks comfortable there.
Ideally, I'd like to see Spence vs Crawford in fall 2019. Figure Spence will unify against Cherry Garcia in spring 2019... then after that, no more waiting. But hey, this is boxing. Do we EVER get what we want? This shit might never happen. But if doesnt... it's about a 98% chance it's Arum's fault.
I think Spence can probably make 147 for about 2 more years. You do realize he only weighed 156 going into the ring against Ocampo, right?
1nce Again You EXAGGERATE... REED Said the LEVEL of "Promotion" was SHIT and that he Personally HADN'T Seen a Single Commercial for the Fight... Shilling for Top Rank is Fucking Up Your Ability to Recollect...Or, You're just Flat Out LYING, as You Did a Couple Days Ago.... REED
Truthfully, I hadn't seen ANY commercials for Horn-Crawford leading up to the fight. It was HORRIBLY promoted by TR... Arum used all his resources to promote the Hell outta Loma-Linares.
well i guess me and charlemagne were the only ones who saw the commercials. lomachenko - linares certainly was promoted more heavily. then again it was also a much better, more competitive matchup than crawford vs scrubby horn
Funny How You’re Quoting Crawford, Yet Left Out the Part Where He’s Asked if he Feels Being On the App HINDERED His Visibility, and he CLEARLY Says “Yeah, a Little Bit”... Which is THE Point X and REED Were Making, Kick Starting this Back and Forth in the 1st Fucking Place. REED
You're not merely saying TR did a bad job. You're suggesting they purposely did a bad job necause TR is black.
No Weight Cut is Easy, But This Particular One was “Easier” for Spence than Some Others Have Been... He Last Sparred 7 Days Prior to FightNight and Was Already in the Very Low 150’s... What’s Amazing About That is Dude is HIS OWN Nutritionist. Cooks His OWN Food and Everything. Very Few Individuals in the World Have the Self Discipline to Successfully Do That. Never Missed Weight, Had a Close Call on the Scale or Anything. REED
REED’s Pretty Sure He Said Top Rank Has a HISTORY of Shaky Promotional Decisions, as it Pertains to Black Fighters, and Putting Crawford On an App was CONSISTENT w/That. REED