Dominic Breazeale claims this was Wilder's response when Wilder approached Breazele, with his wife and kids at his side with 20 goons with him, and Breazele told him "This isn't the time and place, I have my family with me." Real stand-up guy, that Wilder.
REED Finds it Hard to Believe Wilder HIMSELF Said That... Dude is VERY Upfront about the Medical Issues his Little Girl Suffered and Even Bonded w/Luis Ortiz a Bit, Who Also Has an Ill Daughter... Not Saying Someone In Wilder's Clique Didn't Say This, but REED's Giving Deontay the Benefit of the Doubt... That Being Said, it's Pretty SORRY to Confront a Man w/his Wife and Kids Around...Some Things are OFF LIMITS... REED
Once again, no benefit of the doubt here. Breazele has no track record to indicate that he's a liar, and no man who's actually a MAN randomly lies on his wife and kids like that. Wilder has displayed enough dick-ish behavior to suggest that he did in fact say this. Just because he has a sick daughter doesn't mean he's not a piece of shit.
This is true, but Breazale has no track record of being KNOWN either, he is a nobody. If you are ready to believe Wilder saying that (and not someone of his gang), then I don't see why it would be unbelievable that somebody would claim so, to gain sympathy points. This social media era is full of blatant shit talk, and before there is any proof, I don't believe such random claims anymore. Furthermore, even IF this had happened, I don't see much difference to what Tyson, Toney, Duran etc have said
Can You Please ELABORATE on these Instances of "Dick-ish" Behavior, Because REED Must've Missed Them... REED
Of Course YOU Can "Absolutely See Wilder Saying This"... You HATE Him... The Next POSITIVE Word You Say About Wilder Would Be THE 1st.... REED
To Be CLEAR, This was a Face to Face Incident that Occurred @ a Hotel...Not via Social Media... Still, if 20 Guys were Around, Breazeale (w/Family in Tow) was No Doubt EXTRA Nervous and May Have THOUGHT He Heard Something he Really DIDN'T Hear... Wilder Talks Shit about Current and Former Fighters, but This Seems a Bit BEYOND his Reach... Again, Maybe a Member of Wilder's Team Said This Unfortunate Shit OR Maybe Breazeale was Extra DEFENSIVE and Thought he Heard Something he Really DIDN'T Hear... REED
It's CARTOONISH Bullshit, No Different than Mike Tyson Wanting to "Eat" Lennox Lewis' Children, "Crushing Testicles" or "I try to catch them right on the tip of his nose, because I try to punch the bone into the brain." So Unless You've BEEN Hot and Bothered about the Shit Tyson's Said his Entire Life, Please Don't Single Out Wilder Just Because You Conveniently DISLIKE Him... Men who FIGHT for a Living Say Harsh Shit @ Times... REED
Tyson said it in the heat of the moment, right after a fight. Wilder said it at a sit down interview while completely calm. Big difference.
Wilder is the type to say something like that, but he’s not the first, nor will he be the last. Ultimately, Wilder is simply unlikeable... He tries WAY TOO HARD to be charismatic and he just makes himself look like an ass. Tyson Fury is legitimately funny. Ali was legitimately funny. Mike Tyson had a charm about him. Even Lewis who also tried too hard to play up his Jamaican roots had more likeability than Wilder. So even if Wilder didn’t say that, the fact that he ran up on someone with their wife and kids by his side is absolutely LOW. So low that it calls for a lesson in humility.
Most of the time I've seen Wilder he's seemed ok and likeable, just a bit thick. Not like a Floyd, say, who doesn't really seem to have any redeeming qualities personality-wise. Saying that, the "body" comment was pretty fucked up and if this happened it's a really low thing to do.
Saying you wish you kill someone in the ring is fucked up on the highest of levels. I get it it's his job but it's the same as if a cop held a press conference to announce he wishes he kills someone on duty and how he can't wait. How long do you think he'd have that job? Hype or not it's incredibly fucked up. Imagine if someone does die. How is that gonna look on him? I don't care for the reason why he said it. All that matters is he said it. Fuck him.
Wilder's tough talk would be less offensive if he didn't look like such a ridiculous klutz in the ring... but he's a modern heavyweight so I guess that's just part of the deal
Yawn... If a Polish Heavyweight Said the EXACT SAME SHIT VERBATIM, REED GuaranFUCKINGtees You’d Be Singing a Different Tune. REED
Seriously reed.... I wanna have a death on my record?? In a sport where deaths are very common... That is SERIOUSLY fucked up. Whether you're a fan of Wilder's or not you should see how fucked up that is..
Ugo, lemme ask you something.... do you have a wife and kids? If so, would you lie on them just to gain sympathy? I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt to think you're a decent guy, and say that NO... you wouldn't lie on them just to gain sympathy. Therefore, Breazele gets the benefit of the doubt from me, even though he's not a known guy... because I'm gonna ASSUME he's not a total asshole... which he would have to be to make up such a lie. From what little exposure we have seen on him, he's never come across as a scumbag. There was trash talk between him and AJ leading up to their fight, but nothing out of the ordinary. Wilder shouldn't get the same benefit of the doubt, because we KNOW he's a hot headed asshole.
Everything w/YOU Is Race Also, But Your Smarmy, PSUEDO-Conservative Ass Thinks it Goes Unnoticed... It's Like Saying Trump HASN'T Been Fixated on Race During his Presidency... REED
And I'm sorry, but if somebody tells you "Fuck your wife and kids!" that's not the kind of thing you MISHEAR. Breazele didn't even HINT that one of WIlder's goons said it... he said to told Wilder DIRECTLY that it wasn't the time nor place, and Wilder replied "Fuck your wife and kids!" You don't mishear that, I'm sorry. Any family man knows you DON'T mishear a statement like that. Stop defending that dipshit Wilder. He said it.
Was REED DISTURBED by Wilder's Comments, Of Course... But Again, Men Who FIGHT for a Living Can and Often WILL Say Some Uncomfortable Shit...REED Was a Late Teen/Young Adult During the Tyson Years, So he's IMMUNE to Shit Like This Now... Stating the Obvious, Wilder's NOT the Most Intelligent Guy Out There, Even by BOXING Standards...He was Pissed Off by Ortiz's Failed PED Test, Which Cost Him Money, Which Reminded Him of the Additional Money he Lost When Povetkin Failed a PED Test... So Basically he Said "I Get Soooo Mad, Soooo Frustrated, it Makes Me Want to Catch a Body Sometime." It DISTURBED REED for Sure, but Again, When Men RISK Their Lives as a Profession, They're Prone to Say Some Uncomfortable Shit...The FACT Wilder Can Sooooo Cavalierly Utter Those Words is Probably What MAKES him the Fighter He Is...There's No Light Switch for MALICE Bruh... For What it's Worth, Killing a Man Didn't Seem to Bother Sergey Kovalev All that Much...No, he Didn't Speak it Into Existence, but There's Been Little to No Remorse as Well... REED
Who Said Breazeale is LYING???... Mishearing Something Or Attributing a Statement to the Wrong Person ISN'T a Lie Bruh.... REED
How do you know the level of remorse that Sergei has regarding that fight? Did you have a 1 on 1 with him regarding what his feelings are? It’s unfair to draw conclusions regarding this matter based on what he DIDNT say. To say that he had little to no remorse for what happened is pretty harsh.