I thought Shawn only won by a bit but I'll rewatch it later today. But yeah, Spence is head and shoulders above both these guys. Very best case scenario for Shawn is that he makes it an ugly fight, but the talent and skill gap is far too wide for him to have any chance of beating Spence. I am disappointed though. I wanted to see Spence KO Cherry Garcia... which he surely would have. As for what's next for Danny... I smell a Garcia-Broner fight on the horizon.
He's Out of the "Cool Kids Club" of ELITE Welters, for Sure... Spence, Crawford, Thurman and Porter are a Notch Above... Garcia-Broner Would Be a FUN Fight Though...Broner and Angel Should Have Some Funny Moments in the Build-Up... REED
Danny wouldn't lose to Broner. It'd be a good comeback fight for him, and for good money. For AB, it would represent yet another good payday for him.
BTW REED, I actually feel there's three different levels at welter. Spence and Crawford are special fighters. Future HOF level fighters. They're level one. Thurman is a level below that. A good fighter, but damn sure not special. He's level two. Porter and Garcia are still more-less the same level as fighters, and are at level three. Yeah, Shawn won last night, but not clear enough that he looked to be in the different league than Danny.
That's bullshit. Thurman barely beat Porter and had a close fight with Garcia. He's hardly on another level. You could argue he's better. But he's not in some other class.
Lol. Your nuthugging of Porter is sad. Thurman beat Porter clearly. 8-4 in my book. Same with Garcia.
Brotha Reed was on point with this prediction. It was a great fight though. By the way it dont matter because the winner is Keith Thurmans son!!
You're nut-hugging Thurman to say he is in a different class than Garcia or Porter. Lol. And you know as well as I rounds don't tell the story. He could've won all 12. He still isn't in a different league.
I'm not even a Thurman fan, genius. How can I be accused of nuthugging? You're notorious for overeating Porter, to the extent that you pretend the Brook fight coulda gone either way... it wasn't close. Thurman is a better fighter than Porter and Garcia, both of whom are only "solid" guys.
I rewatched the fight last night, and feel that the two 115-113 Porter cards were just. I had Porter winning 7-5. Cherry Garcia did land the cleaner shots, but unlike Thurman and Brook, who controlled the pace against Porter, Danny largely got worked over, and Porter's body attack did affect him. It's better for Danny's health that Porter got the decision... Spence would have laid a life-altering ass whuppin on Danny.
spence is too young for garcia or porter Boxing UFC MMA Sports on Instagram: “Adrien Broner Face Listening to Errol Break Down his Age Is Priceless @adrienbroner”
And here you are distorting the truth again. What makes it even more pathetic is that it was shown to you numerous times that most consider it to be a close fight, yet you insist to spew the same bullshit.
If you contend that Thurman is somehow on a different level than Porter or Garcia, then whether you like him or not, you are over-rating him.
Not Disagreeing, Just Saying Danny's Now on the OUTSIDE Looking In... He Can Still Get in the Club, just Not the VIP Section, til Fuuuuuuurther Notice... REED
While REED Tends to Agree w/X On This One, It's Definitely Just a HUNCH @ This Point... Aside from the Ol' Eyeball Test, There's NATHAN to Base it On as of Now... REED