Neither one is an elite middleweight, but this should still be a good scrap. Who wins? When LeMoo was fresher a few years ago, I'd say he definitely KO's bum ass Spike. But at this point, O'Sullivan has a real shot if he can survive the first 5 rounds, ESPECIALLY considering that LeMoo now badly struggles to make 160. I'll still go with LeMoo by stoppage, though. O'Sullivan is terrible... LeMoo should still have enough left in the tank to stop him.
I think spike wins. Lemieux chin is not as solid, and this is often the deciding factor in a firefight. Should be a great fight
Prime Lemieux wins this imo bit it seems he's on the downside considering his past performances He still should be able to win but a O'Sullivan upset wouldn't shock me
I agree with the Frenchies, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Spike wins. He's not as scrubby as people are making out, or at least not much more than LeMook. Both of them are limited Euro level bangers.
Smelled his own ass when his head got shoved up it. "Spike" O'Sullivan is the classic McGregor era bullshit merchant. He's more Spike Milligan than anything else. He's fucking full of it. Ireland has had some proper middlweights down the years and Spike Milligan is not one of them.
He plain quit in the Eubank fight. I mean...........why the pretensions? He's never won a major title or even boxed for one that I can see.
Great win for lemieux, but while he destroys c level opposition, hes always totally clueless against b and higher guys
If Canelo want's gimmes and gifts on Mexican Holidays he should fuck off and do it in Mexico and let them pay for it.
What you gonna do, stuttering Polack? Read a Cosmo in front of me? Plus, I am not Captain Obvious, but it might be tricky to figure out if you can't read properly