Callahan in terms of being a bad ass. For pure hilarity and over-the-top ridiculousness... John Matrix.
I don't even consider Harry Callahan an action hero. If anything he is an anti-hero, a killer cop who is against the system. I like John Rambo as the definition of an action hero: a trained killing machine good guy that fights scumbags in foreign lands (and national parks!).
LMFAO. It was like Rambo didn’t realize all those Vietnamese armed with AK’s were only shooting warning shots at him.
He was just a tough cop, but he didn't have an "evil" side to him. Sure he sorta tortured Zodiac in that first film but it was in the line of slight excessive force from a tough cop and the cunt deserved it as he had buried a girl alive. Other than that I don't see anything that makes Callahan a hero with an evil/ruthless side. He was a good guy at heart.