November 16th, on regular ESPN, which is great news, cause previously I heard they were putting it on ESPN+. Glad to see that's not the case. Looking forward to this one, and I hope Saucedo wins, cause that sets up a Ramirez-Saucedo unification next year. And Ramirez-Saucedo is the best matchup Arum can make in his current stable.
I know you gotta defend your Dallas boy, but dude ain't that good. Was pretty recent that he got that gift decision over Darleys Perez. My worry with Saucedo is that dude seems to cut easily. So this is an interesting matchup either way. I think Ramirez is a better fighter than both, and would beat whoever the winner is. I think you need either Josh Taylor or Regis Prograis in order to beat Ramirez.
Great job, TR and ESPN - schedule a guaranteed action fight for a time when no casual will be awake to watch.
Go head, BBS! Keep doing ya thing, playboy! Proud of you, Brotha REED. As for this fight, I think Saucedo is gonna win via either UD or late stoppage. I respect that Mo is your boy, but I always gotta be blunt.. he ain't that good. Hooker went life and death with Flanagan, and we just saw Regis shut out Flanagan without breaking a sweat.
That's What's Up Brother X!... REED Isn't One of Those Sensitive Ass Clowns That Gets Butthurt and Defensive if Others Don't Share the Same Bias or Allegiance for a Particularly Fighter, Team, etc...Your Opinion is YOURS Bruh...Speak it Freely...ALWAYS... Maurice is Certainly NOT Without Flaw... REED Can't Fathom Saucedo Stopping Him Though...If the Fight Ends INSIDE the Distance, 'Reese is the Winner...Given the Fact it's in Saucedo's Hometown, on the Network of Saucedo's Promoter, the Deck is Stacked AGAINST Hooker for Sure, if The Bout Reaches the Final Bell... REED Thinks Mo's FAMILIARITY w/Being Expected to Lose, In Another Man's Hometown, is Slept On Though...He'll Be VERY Comfortable w/the Environment...He's a Tad QUICKER to the Punch than Saucedo, Has Slightly Better Feet, He's Taller and Has More POP...But Like Spence, Hatley and Other Black Fighters from Dallas, They Seek IMMEDIATE Retribution if/when Hit Clean, for Better or Worse...Could HURT Hooker Against Saucedo, Which is Why REED's Mentioned "Fight of the Year" Sooooo Much in this Particular Pairing... In Hooker's Case, he'll Abandon Defense Altogether, if he Gets Tagged Clean...Seems to Be a Black, Southern/Country Trait...Holyfield Had it, Crawford Has It, Spence Has It, Hatley Has It (Despite the Lack of Punch Resistance)...And Hooker Has It in Spades, w/a Solid Beard... When NO ONE Would Spar Hatley or Spence in Dallas, Maurice Hooker Would...Despite Being the Naturally SMALLER Man...Seen Him Have Some NOT Soooooo Good Days Against Those Dudes Too, Yet Show Up for the Very Next Session Like NATHAN Happened, w/the Same Determination... This is One Fight Where NO Outcome Will Surprise REED, Unless the Fight Itself FAILS to Be Entertaning… WHUP 'dat ASS MO!!!!...L-L-L-LOLLIPOP!!!... REED
You could be right. We'll see. Saucedo ain't exactly the second coming of Chavez himself.... going life and death with Lenny Z isn't the most promising sign. I think Ramirez is a cut above both, and would beat whoever the winner is. At 140, it's quite clear that Regis and Taylor are the two best. Followed by Ramirez in the third spot. Guys like Saucedo and Mo are on the same level as Baranchyk.
I have no sympathy. Everyone on my side of the pond has to stay up until 5am to watch any good US-based fights. Deal with it!
Props to your boy, REED. Dude came through big! Saucedo makes Brandon Rios look like Wilfred Benitez on D. Great fight though!
Abel Sanchez is the most overrated trainer in boxing. Does he teach guys ANYTHING??? Two weeks ago we saw Ryan Martin totally fucking clueless against Taylor, and tonight Saucedo looked to have the worst defense in boxing. Seems like Abel just lucked into fame behind Golov, a guy who already had the talent and skillset before Sanchez.
It was a good scrap. Didn't know the fight was scheduled...only reason I was on ESPN was the watch the Bucks vs. Bulls. The fight should have been stopped 30 seconds earlier. Took a few too many flush, hard shots.
Saucedo's gonna have an extremely short career if he doesn't tighten his D. Only guys that can get away with defenses like that are devastating punchers who have the power to bail them out, but Saucedo is an accumulation guy not a big banger.
Nuts and Guts... Win, Lose or Draw, That's Maurice Hooker... The Saucedo Fight was a Cliff Notes Version, a Microcosm of Dude's LIFE...Born w/EVERY Built-In Excuse to be Just Another Statistic, Yet Fought His Way Into a Sliver of Prominence...An HISTORIC Level of Prominence Within the City of Dallas... REED Can Honestly Say He's Never Been MORE PROUD of a Dallas Area Fighter, in ANY Capacity, than he was w/Maurice Hooker Friday Night...Top Rank Overpaid for the Fight and Placed Maurice on a Platter for Saucedo, Who Was Going to Be Spoon Fed to Jose Ramirez Sooooon After... Nonetheless, Reese Beat the Odds.... REED
Credit to hooker. Saw him get a gift against a nondescript opponent, and it looked like he wouldnt amount to shit. Still dont think hes elite, but he made a name for himself
I don't think Hooker could beat Prograis or Taylor. I don't think he'd beat Ramirez either, but he's more live in that one. Thing is, Ramirez is a helluva lot more skilled than Saucedo, and he's also a lot quicker than Saucedo with a MUCH better chin. Ramirez-Hooker could resemble Ramirez-Imam, only I'll give Hooker more credit than that. Imam is a front runner with weak intangibles. Hooker definitely has intangibles. I think Ramirez would beat Hooker via competitive yet clear decision.
Uuuuuh, He "Only" Has 8 Sir... REED's Not Gonna Sit Back and Allow You to Make Such OUTLANDISH Claims... REED