I'm sure we've all been there, you hear a song on the radio or on TV somewhere, you think "this is awful" but then 8 hours or so later the fucker is still in your head. Does that mean it's a good song, no matter how hard it may be to admit it? I mean, the songwriter has basically done their job, right? You're singing along to it. If it doesn't make it a good song, then why is it still occupying your head space so long after hearing it, cunt?
I think it can be catchy and shitty at the same time. Consider the jingles they play in tv ads. These are hardly good songs. But definitely catchy. So I'd say catchy and amd of itself is not, "good."
REED Believes if You Hear ANY Song Enough Times, it Can Get Stuck in Your Head... The Term "Good" is Sooooooooooooooooo VAGUE in Regards to Music Though...Were the Lyrics Good, the Melody, the Instrumentation, Production?...Then There's Genre's... Define "Good"???... REED
What's YOUR Definition of a "Good" Song McDogg???... Can a LEGITIMATELY "Good" Song Be CATCHY Also???... REED
Conversely, if a song is shit, but you can't stop playing it over and over in your head, how does that work?
Hearing it 90000 times If I sing "slice n dice is a cunt who should kill himself" in the same melody to you every day... eventually that melody will be stuck in your head... doesn't mean it's good or that you like it
Yeah but it's not ALWAYS because you hear it loads of times, sometimes you just hear it the once and it's stuck.
To answer the thread, it depends on what we mean by "Catchy". If I am watching a good film, and a song in the background catches my attention, then it's a good song.
Read the comments under it on Youtube. Say it has 13 dislikes........guy comments..........."13 people got shot to death robbing a convenience store"
A catchy guilty pleasure for me: Gets bonus points for the superb Glaswegian rhyming of 'stare' with 'flare' (i.e. Floor)
He's too weird to even have acquaintances There's a guy on my Facebook from high school who is sort of a modern day Bickle ... posts incessantly about conspiracy theories (Christine Ford is a high level CIA operative) and about how great Trump is and how Trump is dismantling the system which will lead in his second term to Electruc cars replacing all combustion vehicles, free healthcare for all and the advancement of "AI/Human interfaces" ... just endless posts about this... no comments, no likes except his own... he had like 140 friends and now he has like 60... totally crazy
Ultimately that scene illustrates the desperate hunger for human contact.... it goes far beyond anything sexual
This week I've mainly had the hymn 'this is the day that the lord has made' stuck in my head. What a cheery song. That and bill Murray singing quando in stripes. If I'm drunk I generally sing 'my beautiful sunday' by Daniel Boone all day, every Sunday. Can't get catchier than this:
He should do one about torturing and horrifically disfiguring Panchy to death and then crashing his wake and opening the casket and making Panchy's cunt brigade look causing them to kill themselves while the little Korean or whatever the fuck he was breaks into a dance singing COFFIN STYLE... OOP... OOP OOP... OPEN COFFIN STYLE