Yeah, but at least Lewis put his fighting skills to use by going pro and becoming successful. The only useful thing you ever did with your extensive Muay Thai training was rubbing your dick a bit faster to cdogg's profile page.
But hold on....I've sparred with Lewis and lived to tell the tale. 1987 when he was amateur. Garry Mason was there too...
Clifton Mitchell, Garry Mason, James Oyebola, Lennox and me. Intimidating, I can tell you. Talking of which, guess who was the longest in the showers afterwards...
Very impressive. I have a feeling that I shouldn't be talking so much sh*t to you because you'd beat my ass in real life ops:
Yeah Oyebola always seemed like a good bloke, his second fight with Scott Welch was a really fun scrap as well. Disgusting what happened to him.
I was down there today, Fulham, Fulham Palace Road. Fucking not my cup of tea at all. Bit of no mans land really, 5 mins from Craven Cottage and sort of between Hammersmith and Chelsea and Putney. Not my scene.
Yeah Fulham is an odd place. Some nice pubs which on one day are a good laugh with a nice crowd, on another day the exact same pub is full of scumbags. Kinda goes for the whole Fulham Broadway.
True. Still the guy started growing his dreadlocks way into his thirties and anyone who starts that shit at that age is a cunt plain and simple. Lol
Tell me dis ting nah Rasta! ‘im think dat growing Rass ‘pun ‘im ‘ead would legitimate his Canadian raised ass as true Jamaican bredrin, and shouting “bigups” would make him an honorary rude bwoy and make de man dem forget he’s a batty boy...but it nah go so....
All jokes aside....I told this story before but it bears repeating. I saw Lennox at a club in east London called Night moves (for my east London shoreditch bredrin) and he was with a massive (his crew). All manner of fit (“hot”) gyal (girls) we’re approaching him and chatting him up and you could see that he wasn’t interested in the slightest. He’s a bonafide batty boy (fag). Now...rumors started circulating about his preference for man butt, even from other fighters like Bowe and Rahman and that’s why Lewis was always so defensive whenever someone called him gay (that’s what caused the Rahman studio brawl for example)....and so marrying this woman was purely a public relations exercise. Must have been difficult for him to impregnate her. One day though he’ll come out, mark my words. Long after he thinks he’s relevant he’ll admit to it. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Frank Maloney used to shine his silver.
Herbie Hide told in his biography that Lennox was a known womanizer and said that the gay rumours were ridiculous. He is obviously in the same plot, perhaps even Lennox's fag partner
In this day and age I don't see how you could even keep it a secret if you're famous... surely there'd be somebody by now trying to cash in, claiming to have been the heavyweight champion's lover?
If Herbie Hide said that he's full of shit. Hide was dumb to begin with and is simply not a reliable source of information. I grew up in East London and I knew people that knew people that knew Lennox. He was no womanizer....far from it. He only ever used to hang out with his brother and his crew. I am telling you that I saw beautiful women approaching him at clubs and he was just polite to them but has zero interest. An athlete is a HORNY beast and would not resist at least flirting with sexy groupies. Lewis cared not for them. Suspicious.
Hide said that they even dated the same girl (in different times) with Lennox so I'd guess he knows something about this matter. Also, a guy like Lennox who was big, famous and a millionaire, just might get approached by women pretty regularly. I don't see it being very surprising if he isn't that interested in dealing with gold diggers every single time
Look... everyone knows that I didn't like Lewis (back then, I don't mind him now), and sure, I cracked gay jokes on him back in the day. But in all honesty, I don't think he's gay. Not at all. Cotto? Yeah, I suspect Cotto might be a bisexual, and I'm serious about that... but I just enjoyed shit talking Lummox.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe Lewis just didn't wanna entertain any gold digging smuts? This might surprise you... but not EVERY boxer has a fetish for fucking strippers and sluts... although I can think of one of who is obsessed with fucking strippers...
Seems pretty obvious why Floyd is a Trump supporter. Both are ego maniacal narcissistics who do nothing but brag about themselves and their wealth, and both love sleeping around with whores.