I’d agree that fury hasn’t yet proven to be skillful...I will also agree that his style is an eyesore. This fight will make him or break him. It’s very likely that he gets exposed on this one and in fact I predict a wilder win inside 5 rounds.
To answer cdogg, wilder and Joshua are far more exciting than any pre Tyson 80s heavyweight and more formidable than all except Holmes and possibly Witherspoon
I don't think it's valid to compare the skill level of guys like the Spoon and Thomas to fury or wilder. These guys are giants. They never learned to slip punches cause they never really had too. They can just hop backward and they have enough reach to land anyway. It'a a bit similar to criticizing Lewis cause he never bobbed and weave like Tyson did. Does that make them worst fighter? to be honest, I really don't know.
The thing is that logic works fine when they are using their natural size against smaller opponents. However, when they fight each other, their longer reach etc and their "hopping backwards" isn't effective anymore and you get these awful matchups where they are often over-tentative and throwing goofy looking shots from out of range because they are trying to avoid getting hit or countered, but don't have the skill to do anything else. Or you have situations where a giant like Joshua looks like a timid elephant terrified of a mouse when a smallish fighter like Parker suddenly steps into punching range.
Yeah for sure, but how often do they fight guys their own size?? Would be pretty insane of them to invest in skills theyll barely ever use
”So fucking what?!” George foreman vs both better and greater than any pre Tyson 80s heavyweight...yet never moved his head.
Yes, he had this other ancient tactic called "parrying" which is also demonic wizardry to the Oaf Division
Yes, but Foreman had strengths he consistently used. He had a good chin, which he had faith in and he threw hard, hurtful punches relentlessly, while moving forward. You could almost say he was the classic example of a good offense creating a good defense. He wasn't timid and didn't throw cautious uncommitted punches from out of range and scramble backwards in panic if a fighter came at him with serious intent. If someone wanted to rumble with Foreman, you were pretty much guaranteed a war, as happened with Lyle, for instance. With Foreman it was usually the other guy who needed to move their head because he was always trying to take it off. If the big guys today fought like that then I'd give their lack of skill a pass, but they very rarely do.
I'll concede that the crop from the 80's took more chances, and as a result made for more entertaining fights. For example, I recently watched Weaver/Coetzee. There was a lot of holding in that fight. And a lot of sloppy moments. However, it was nonetheless a very entertaining fight because those guys fought with such abandon compared to the guys these days. I'll concede that. But that's different than saying the guys from the 80's were highly skilled and the ones now are not.
The 80s heavyweights largely lacked motivation because King controlled them all and was raping their pockets. What he did to Witherspoon was especially disgusting.
Lol, it's incredible how much of a VK fan boy you are. Klitchko head movement consisted pretty much of only pulling it back. It worked cause he was fighting guys half his size. Let's not pretend that he was adept at slipping punches. It's no coincidence that the only two tall decent guys he faced were tagging him consistently, even though both were no stamina fat slobs
The weaver fights I've seen he looked motivated. But yeah. I'm sure all of them got fucked over badly.