Example. Golota physically had a good chin but mentally he couldn't take getting hit. Wlad also had a rather quite average chin but mentally it was very weak. A great example would be WWE's and UFC's Brock Lesnar who physically can take a great punch but acts like Wlad amplified by 1000 when hit hard. More examples?
I don't think there's a better example than Oliver McCall. McCall had probably the best chin in boxing history, but was a total basket case.
I mean, he took flush shots from Lennox fucking Lewis with his hands down and not even trying to fight. He had to have some beard for that.
Agree He had an excellent chin but how many big bangers did he fight? One fight with Lennox didn't go very long because he got there quick and the other he just refused to fight Who'd he take shots from? Bruno?
I don't think he took much from Lewis ... it's not like Lennox was loading up. He looked as perplexed as everyone else
'The McCall Chin Myth' is totally based on six rounds, dosed-up on god knows what drugs vs a cautious Lennox Lewis who landed flush maybe 5 times.
I remember when Shane Carwin put Gonzaga's lights out with 1 shot. Lesnar took about 100 shots from Carwin and still finished him in the next round.
Well that shot was perfect. Lesnar took a lot of ground and pound that was not nearly as clean as that right landed on Gonzaga. That is one of the best punches landed in UFC history. Perfect clean short right cross.
Hamzy doing his best to wreck the forum with useless posts. At least cdogg and I suggest sonething positive and deserving: entire evisceration of panchyprsss and Hanzy.
Gatti physically seemed to be able to take big shots and absorb punishment but when he got hit clean he would just freeze like he was about to complain about something. Then he’d just stand there and get hit again.
Gatti got hurt all the time and by a lot of guys that couldn't punch worth a shit He had at best an average chin ... he just reacted to being hurt by throwing punches desperately... that's why he was in so many exciting fights
He threw punches desperately when he realized he had to but he didn’t have that Erik Morales reflex of punching back. He’d get hit and say ‘doh!’.
Kelley had a big heart but not necessarily a great chin. To me, he was every bit as exciting as Gatti and a better fighter I think.
Really? Ya think? GAtti's only chance vs Kevin Kelley would have been if he had 20lbs on him by fight night.
He shelled up when he felt he couldnt' win. I never fucking liked Shane, he always struck me as a bitch, he let his wife fuck him, he knew he lost to Oscar the 2nd time and couldn't play it cool when the cards were read out, he wanted to touch Vernons glove all the time in their fight...fucking hopeless case.
Mosley quit without quitting in damned near every loss. Couldn't stand him. Only times I rooted for him were against DLH, Mayorga, Floyd and Margarito
Same here but his boxing style I hated too. He was pretty fast but it all looked sonewhat 'forced' and not fluid/rhythmic at all.