The producers of The Sopranos prequel film finally found their young Tony Soprano and is none other than James Gandolfini's own son, Michael Gandolfini. The film will be set in the 1960's during the Newark riots when African-American gangs and Italian Americans gangs were clashing. ‘Sopranos’ Prequel Film Finds Young Tony: Michael Gandolfini Is Chip Off Old Block
I watched first 5 episodes and became bored by that whole Italian-American stereotypical and probably contrived manner they all have. Cartoonish.
You guys can't talk about drama if you haven't watched the Sopranos, one of THE greatest series on television history.
If someone hasn't watched The Sopranos, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones, then that person has missed the best series in tv history. You might like something else a lot, but that means SHIT in comparison to any of these shows. I used to rank Roots up there with those series until identity politics turned it into sacred PC.
I haven’t seen Breaking Bad or The Sopranos but I do intend to watch both at some point. What about The Wire, don’t you think that should be on that all time great tv series list as well?
I couldn't stomach it. At least from the first season. Not the show's fault, though. Just it wasn't my cup of tea at that time. I still want to give it a second chance in the future.
Well until you watch it and are able to express with conviction how much you enjoyed it, we’re going to table your opinion on what the best tv shows ever are.
Or, as Ian McShane (who stars in it) put, when all the nerds cried about spoilers: "Can't see what all the fuss is about - it's just tits 'n' dragons"
Game of Thrones is great but has declined post season 4...less involvement from GRRM The Wire is my favorite, then The Sopranos, with Breaking Bad and G.O.T. behind it.
The prequel, Many Saints of Newark, seems pretty polarizing on the Sopranos subreddit Overall I enjoyed it, but it feels like it needed a miniseries rather than a two hour movie.
yeah. haven't seen the prequel but have read that it was so bad it was mind blowing. which is a shame.
I didn’t like how the ages of the characters are not consistent. There were memorable scenes in the show that end up being contradicted in the show. In the first season, they have that great flashback scene which shows an 8 year old Tony in 1967. There’s other scenes that establishes his age, yet in the movie, he’s like 17 in 1971. Puss talks about being 16 and how Tony would always go to the hospital with him to visit his sister. It seems like they’re close in age, but Pussy looks about 30 years old in the movie.
Exactly. Characters are there to say their catch phrases with no introductions. I read that Chase didn’t actually intend it to be a Sopranos prequel and wanted to focus on the black riots but the studio pushed for a prequel. What we got is an unsatisfying mess that drops one storyline completely and creates the setup for the other in the last few minutes of the film. Top it off with a nonsensical addition in a narrator and we have a waste of time that exists purely because it is attached to the Sopranos name.