it's a cunt thing to post something 20minutes long, without any additional info, and just expect people to blindly watch it
Is an original fan film that looks great on a minuscule budget that address the origins of a minor SW character from Return of the Jedi. It has gone viral among SW fans who are praising it for doing something the Disney blockbuster films have not accomplished yet: it felt like part of the original SW trilogy. It nicely captured the spirit of what a SW film is supposed to be.
sorry man, but this shit was boring as fuck :( also, overly talkative robots and bad child actors are a couple of the worst things about Star Wars - this is 100% those things
Ah wiz gonnae watch it, but had ma reservations, your post saved me twenty minutes of total shite. Thank Ye.
That is racist and discriminatory against a person of color from an ethnic minority group. Waiting for you apology and reparations.