BBC World Service - The Hurricane Tapes - Downloads Hey Guys, Been a long time since I have posted and sorry if this has been mentioned but thought this might be interesting to some folk. British sportswriters open up the case of the Lafayette Murders. They uncover some stuff I never knew about and I find this podcast to be thoroughly enjoyable and well done. As some might know my last name is Carter and have always been fascinated with Hurricane Carter’s boxing career, the movie that followed, the murders, the everything about Rubin Carter and his life. 13 episodes. Enjoy chaps! if the link doesn't work just google Hurricane Tapes haha Hitman
3 months too late, sonny:
But as Irish said: ´the guy´s a murderer, turned his back on the people who tried to help him {read what Ron Lipton had to say about him}, he got spanked by Giardello, Tiger, and a lot of others and the BBC, which has this fetish, comes along and tries to make a story about this fucking bum.´
Crap sorry guys! Big fail for my first post in years! I tried to search for Hurricane and didn't think i saw anything. Oh well I thought it was a good podcast series. no agenda needed, just shed some extra light and gave extra detail to a case that is complicated no matter how you slice it.
Thanks cdogg! Good to see you here along with a lot of the same good group of guys who have been at it for a couple decades now! Keep at it
This being said - if you listened to the podcast it hardly glorifies Carter. It simply tells the story of the murders, the background, the investigation, the trials and the appeals. It goes into some of his life after his release and they talk to all the relevant people that are alive and willing to talk. The podcast shows Carter for what he was, a liar, they interview his daughter who tells about how he abandoned his family, it reveals many of the falsehoods that Carter has claimed about his past. It has him on tape stating that he knew he lost the Giardello fight. Regardless if he was whipped by Tiger, Giardello, Archer, etc and is a liar and a piece of shit …. That doesn’t make him a murderer. They interview Ron Lipton and he never said a bad word about Carter in the interview, he still believes Carter was framed that he was innocent and while training fighters he was wearing a Hurricane Carter jacket.
Those Were the Days, Huh? Boxing’s Never at a Loss for “Easy to Hate” Fighter’s Though. REED Has No Doubt You Have a Short List of Candidates. REED
Would be nice to have a reason for fightbeat's continued existence Even the guys that pay the bills don't post here anymore
..........Tried to make a story about him about 20 years AFTER no less than Norman Fucking Jewison had a motion picture that FELL ON IT'S ARSE at the HEIGHT of Political Correctness, no fucking less. That was the baffling part. We have been through all of this and these liberal-arts dummies come crawling out of whatever fucking college they went to and think they caught whiff of something original. No fucko's, this shit is old. Coming next from the BBC, a brand new story about a topic that is never discussed........The Financial Crash of 1929.
Hurricane Carter: Ron Lipton Tells His Story Basically they should have asked Lipton about the above. But that might involve actual journalism.