I usually dont pay any attention to the talentless joke that is women's boxing, but to my knowledge, there's nothing going on Saturday night on the men's boxing side. I might just watch this sideshow, and no, I've never seen either one fight before.
I have seen Hammer before. She used to be good (comparatively speaking) but I haven't seen her fight in couple years. I have no idea who Shields is. Since the bout is supposed to be close, this probably is among the better female fights to be made
A "good" fight between broads often looks like a fight between two utterly skill-less, club fighter men.
Loma fights Friday too. It's okay if you want to discuss women's boxing. But your explanation is not true.
I'm well aware that Loma fights on Friday. I'm not subscribing to ESPN+ to watch him beat up that bum Crolla, so it's a no for me. What men fight on Saturday?
Nevermind, Doub, I just checked. Munguia fights on DAZN against some Irishman I've never heard of. Didnt even know Munguia was fighting this weekend.
I'm actually kind of looking forward to Shields/Hammer. Shields will probably win but Hammer is far superior to the average female boxer.
MMA is the real fighting. Boxing is a weird fragment of fighting where you wear pillows on your hands and hold another sweaty topless man.
agREED. Hammer’s Rangy, USES Her Range Well and Has Good Footwork, Good 1-2 and a GREAT Left Jab. Shields is Aggressive and the ONLY 2-Time Olympic Gold Medalist In U.S. Boxing History. Good Mesh of Styles. Both Women are VASTLY Superior to the Average Female Boxer. This Ain’t Christy Martin, Who Engaged In Glorified “Tough Man” Bouts, These Broads Csn FIGHT! Shields-Hammer Will Be the Most COMPETITIVE Fight This Weekend for Certain, and There’s Something to Be Said for That. REED
Imagine Diego Corrales getting off the deck twice in round 10... and shoving his sweaty balls into Castillo's face on the ground until Castillo capitulates. We're good. We'll stick to boxing.
I was checking out some shit on ESPN+ called the greatest 25 UFC fights of all time. i watched the episode with #4 - #1. the top 2 UFC fights of all time were McGregor vs Diaz 1 & 2 !
I'm glad that the LGBT community have an organized pro sport where they can be out and proud and Cagefighting deserves credit for their progressive acceptance of those athletes. But although I fully support and accept LGBT people, I still don't have any interest in seeing gay dudes try to see who will be top. It's cool that there's a sport for people who are into that sort of thing but different strokes etc
seriously. how much better/more entertaining were either of the diaz mcGregor fights than mayweather vs mcgregor? cuz mayweather vs mcGregor dont crack the top 10,000 among best boxing matches
Claressa is Undeniably HOOD Too, REAL..Every Bit the Quintessential Strong, Opinionated Black Woman.... And Not in a CARTOONISH, BUFFOONISH, Adrien Broner Way Either. More of a Matter of Fact, ENDEARING Cardi B Way. If NATHAN Else, Check Out the Showtime All-Acesss Broadcasts Dedicated to the Fight. 2 Episodes. REED