That used to happen all the time with a guy I know who ran a small charity called Empower Sports. He always got press accreditation for routine games. He NEVER got offered anything if there was anything special on. Over here, you have to have a website that shows a certain number of genuine hits per day or something to get "full press" accreditation.
This was the 1st Top Rank Fight Outside Of Reasonable Driving Distance from Dallas That REED’s Applied for. The Lady Doing Credentials for Them Now Has Known of REED Since the Early 00’s. She Does or Did Reside In the Dallas/Ft. Worth Area. She was Cool About Letting REED Down, Citing British Media Demands and Whatnot. REED Figured It was a Loooongshot Going In. And Pugilism Company is Just Now Approaching 3,500 Subscribers. REED Is More MOTIVATED Than Concerned About It. REED
Competitive Arrogance. REED Would Be Shocked if Crawford Didn’t @ Least TRY to Fight Southpaw @ Some Point, Unless he Starts Ortho and Has Immediate Success. He’ll Think “Khan’s Been Successful Against Other Southpaws But Not Against ME As a Southpaw”. Until PROVEN Otherwise. REED
I fully expect Khan to put up a better fight than Benavidez. He'll get stopped a lot sooner, but he'll put up a better fight.
Khan should have success early by sticking to his glorified amateur style. I think it'll go the distance with Crawford pulling away late. I think Khan will be the bigger guy and has enough skill to avoid getting clipped. His best bet it to try and touch Crawford then stay away from him.
Khan's not very skilful and I don't see him sticking to any sort of game plan. He'll go to Crawford sooner rather than later and will fancy trying to put some hurt on him but it's going to backfire. It's the same old story really to be honest. It's quite easy to predict Khan's fights. I see Khan getting KTFO.
I can see that. The only reason I give him the benefit of the doubt (to last the distance) is 1). Crawford isn't the puncher (at 147) that Canelo was at 160. 2). Because of that Canelo fight I think he'll be even more cautious, look to pity pat his way to a victory. 3). Hold on for dear life anytime Crawford gets near him. His 2nd biggest flaw (second to his chin) is he almost always goes for feints by dropping BOTH hands. I'm gonna guess Virgil Hunter will try to get Khan to fight an outside fight. "HOWEVER" Khan isn't the brightest bulb so those who see him making mental mistakes as the fight goes on are on point. I think he'll make them but Crawford doesn't have the eraser to stop him with one shot. Crawford typically breaks you down then makes you quit.
You dont need to hit like the juicing Ginger to KO Khan. Crawford has more than enough pop to stop Khan.
With a chin like Khan’s, all you need is timing and accuracy. You don’t have to be particularly heavy handed to KO this joker. Crawford not only bad timing and accuracy, he has decent pop. He’ll get Khan outta there.
For anybody giving Khan a prayer in this fight due to his "height and range" - well, the height difference between them is negligible, and Crawford has three inches of reach on Khan: Amir truly has virtually no chance of winning this fight. The most that can be said is that Khan's not a bum like Crolla.
Edis Tatli, who faces Teofimo on undercard, is a 31-year-old two-time European champion with a record of 31-2 (10). He is what you could call a leap amateur, well moving, quick and rangy guy who has a bit more pop than his record would suggest. He doesn't have any qualities that would be exceptional on world level, in European rings he has dominated most of his opponents with his speed. Tatli has been on the floor once or twice but not seriously hurt. Tatli challenged Richar Abril for a WBA belt in 2014 and was soundly outpointed by the more skillful guy, the split verdict was bullshit. His best results are a narrow decision win over Yvan Mendy (who beat Luke Cambell) though had the bout been in France, it would have been scored differently, and a dominant decision over Francesco Patera (who beat Lewis Ritson). Tatli has fought just once in 16 months, struggling with a little regarded Spaniard, and has been unwilling to travel outlands despite several offers. At best Tatli might be able to frustrate Teofimo a bit, which might answer some questions about him, but I wouldn't be surprised if Teofimo finished him under five.
Amir has kinda grown on me. I think he's a good dude, and hopefully after Crawford KO's him tomorrow he retires to spend time with his family.
I think it’s pretty obvious Khan has been doping. The muscles he has don’t seem to belong on his body. Too many guys are doing shit now but nothing will change if all we see are slaps on the wrist.
Intriguing fight. Khan should trouble Crawford with his speed, like Gamboa was able to do. Well see how much Bud has improved since then
I wouldn't doubt that it was the angry Mexicans that were the ones looking for trouble while the Pakistanis were trying to avoid it. Mexicans aren't exactly known for fair play. They do their work in groups and with weapons. A dozen Mexicans beating down one guy and thinking they're the sh*t.
Well it's on ESPN+ for 10 bucks a month for whoever wants to subscribe. But I'm not about to start subscribing to all the many different streams for the odd boxing match. I'm already with Netflix and now waiting for Disney+
Diaz was annoying. Got outboxed in every facet of the game both in and out but did the "come on lets fight" motions. In between doing that and getting punched in the face deliberately stepping on Shakur's lead foot. Trying to make it appear like he wanted to fight and Stevenson was scared and running. Nobody bought what was tryin to sell.
I am undecided. It's not enough for me to say that Khan just loses cos that's what he does against good fighters. I have not ever seen Crawford fight live, not that I can recall anyways. If Crawford is as good as people think he is, then he should win, I suppose.