Underrated Stallone flick from 1987. Great 80s music, a lot of trucks, beefy and sweaty arm-wrestlers, and a troubled father-son relationship. A classic...
One of the shittiest movies of that decade! But then, a dumb-fuck Curry-muncher with zero knowledge or experience of movies likes it.
Arm wrestling was the sh*t back then. But fairy faggots with no physical strength or power who failed in every sport wouldn't understand that
"The film holds a 27% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 26 reviews and an average rating of 4.3/10 The film received three nominations at the 8th Golden Raspberry Awards in 1988." ool Idiot-Abu.
It's dogshit. A movie about fat arm-wrestlers with an endless stream of rock songs. Figures why the Forum's resident 'Gupta' likes it....
There goes the faggot f*ck back to his usual routine to prove his sh*tty little point. Rotten Tomatoes! LMFAO Doesn't your dumb f*ck ass realize that Rotten Tomatoes is a manipulated fake ratings meter? Use your own f*cking head and make an opinion instead of looking at others. F*cking twat!
Fat arm wrestlers! LOL Any of those guys would snap your skinny little no power neck like a twig. Those were world class arm wrestlers. The best of the best. Scott Norton, John Brzenk, and Rick Zumwalt to name a few.
Never done it. But my arms are long, designed for smashing-in faces with a relentless, piston-like jab....until they resemble a naan-bread, mixed-in with chicken tikka...
Fun Fact for Ya! Throughout the Film, Stallone Wears a Hat w/"Bonneau" Written On It...This was a Shades (Eye Wear) Company and REED Went to High School w/the Owners 2 Sons...Motherfuckers Drove PORSCHE's to School in the Mid to Late 80's... REED