Mustard, what did you think of the original "It" 1990 television movie and the "It" movie from last year? Did you read the book? Your thoughts?
Bought the original book the week it was released: Couldn't get into it. And that was a time when I had every Stephen King novel up to that point. The 1990 mini-series was a piece of shit really (except Tim Curry's 'Pennywise' character), the 2017 movie was watchable (but Pennywise here was typically overacted to impress/shock modern, stupid audiences)
Arghhh, I was ready to hate this but I'll probably get suckered into going to see it. I thought the first one was competent enough.
I have to admit I thought the 1990 mini-series was crap and did not even bothered to watch the new movie.
Just seems odd. Kind of like "Hey, did you watch the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, or read the books?" "I read the books" "So, what do you think of that band Frodo Baggins? They're like fuckin' tight...............right?"
LOTR? What do you think of Bill Burr, who created the show 'F is for Family', which has a parody band 'Shire of Frodo'?
I think "F is for Family" is fuckin' tight! If you'd actually watched the show, you'd know "Shire of Frodo" isn't a "parody band". It's serious as fuck, dude!
Oh, like the GOP Congressman Steve King of Iowa who was censored by his own party for what seemed racist comments?
Shut up Panchy. King Henry VIII loved his wives. All of them. Do you think Gayle King really is Oprah's best friend, or do you think they snipe at each other in private and keep up the charade simply for appearances?
I enjoyed the first one, thought it was well made and fun. This one less so....something about the way it jumps between timelines didnt quite work - disipated the tension somehow- and the constant line it walks between suspense and comic relief sometimes blurred in ways i dont think were intentional. The final showdown ends weakly and unconvincingly, tho maybe thats king's fault.