I don't think Hurd is going to want a rematch. This was NOT a case of Hurd fighting the wrong fight. Williams was just better than him. He pushed Hurd back and out fought him on the inside. Hurd has always had success backing guys up who tried NOT to fight on the inside . But that doesn't mean he's a good inside fighter. What we saw tonight is that his inside game is just as lacking as his outside game.
Hurd is in a bad situation. If he moves up (which he needs to) to 160, I think he'd get KO'd by Jermall Charlo, on the PBC side. Against the rest of the division... Canelo, Andrade, Golov, and Jacobs would all stop Hurd.
Williams has always looked like a complete fighter. Durability was the only question mark Charlo was huge at 54 and a big puncher, and it could be that Williams just got caught. He'd never been down previously. shit happens, what he said about losses in boxing is very true
I think the weight affected Hurd and since he has no real offensive or defensive skills he kind of turned the corner in this fight from being a wall of danger to just a big incompetent punching bag. J-Rock deserves credit but he didn’t get much resistance.
Hurd looked the same to me Maybe slightly more sluggish than usual but he is what he is It's hard to fight his type of fight against a guy standing his ground and landing the cleaner harder shots
Williams strength impressed me. He was able to consistently back a bigger man up into the ropes from the very beginning to the end.
Williams footwork was so much better on the inside he was able to outmaneuver hurd to put him against the ropes
Or More Implausible on the Surface... "Yeah, We're Gonna Stand INSIDE w/Hurd and Basically Go Toe-to-Toe All Night...We'll Even Back HIM Up More Than he's Accustomed To"... Worked to PERFECTION Though... REED
Hurd is NOT Loooooooooooooooooong for This Sport @ Elite Level... He Doesn't SEE the Shots Coming, is Rarely BRACED for Them and EATS Those Type of Blows Repeatedly, for the Duration of his Bouts... REED Has Little Doubt BOTH of J-Rock's Hands are Sore as Fuck, from Going Upside Hurd's Head and Body Soooooooo Much... REED
REED Would Rather See an Undisputed Champion @ '54... Hurd Can't Beat J-Rock...There's Absolutely NATHAN for Hurd to Hang His Hat On, in Terms of Something he Could Do DIFFERENTLY in a RE... REED
Theres nothing gay nothin about admitting that. This wasnt some weak, pathetic crying like Juan Diaz crying after the first time he was dropped. This was a man who was overcome by emotion because works his ass off, leaves a clean life, was counted out by the sport after one loss, and willingly came into the backyard of the heavy favorite, and the kicked the favorite's ass so one sidedly that the judges couldnt rob him. You gotta feel good for him. J-Rock is one of the truly GOOD GUYS of the sport.
Hurd was very poor. Canelo would have stopped him. GGG moiders him. Great physique, fought like a guy who didn't have any basic know-how, got dropped cut out fought. Good fight, interesting, right man won.
That was my first time watching Hurd live. It makes a difference when you watch a fight live cos you notice every mistake more, cos you don't know what's "Coming Up". Hurt was just poor, poor all around. Jackson didn't look so brilliant but he took advantage and looked like somebody who knew how to box. I think Hurd is a highlight reel KO in the making.
Wrong about what? He’s a solid fighter that picked up a really good win against a dramatically limited opponent. I didn’t pick him but I gave him a really good chance against Hurd because Hurds vulnerable and struggles in most fights.
Hurd is poo. I couldnt figure out if he was a brawler or a boxer or what. He's got long arms but wants to fight inside.........and lean on people. Madness.
Lol. You said Jackson. It was Julian Williams, not Jackson. Against Julian Jackson, the outcome would have been far more violent for Hurd.
I think Hurd and his team strive to be a boxer-brawler hybrid, but the problem is he isnt that good at either. And he doesnt have huge power. The best Hurd ever looked is when he took apart Frank Galarzza years back. He looked VERY promising in that fight, but in retrospect... it was just Frank Galarzza. The first time Hurd's flaws became apparent was against Harrison. Then Austin Trout further highlighted those flaws, but Trout had seen better days Subsequently, Hurd was lucky enough to face a past prime Lara who no longer longer has the reflexes to pull the trigger. Last night, he met his match because Williams is better than Harrison, and unlike Trout and Lara, Williams is in his prime.
Yeah all them MW Julians look the same to me :: But yes, Jackson Handily sends Hurd to Hospital with Hematoma.
At first I got to thinking that Hurd would have a puncher’s chance in a rematch but..... I’m not so sure. Never once did he appear to shake J-Rock with any of his flush shots. And his body shots didn’t appear to bother Williams either. I can’t help but figure a more confident J-Rock this time around... Would possibly stop Hurd next time.
Hurd's only chance in a rematch would be to catch Williams mentally slipping. Williams just has a much deeper amateur pedigree and is more skilled from both the inside and outside.