2 to 1 Thurman gets hurt fight never happen...July seems so soon. Course I want Pac to win.....but If Thurman wins will that lead to fights against Spence, Crawford other top 140/47/54 pounders....OR will Thurman become even more big headed n those fights never happen?? Manny Pacquiao, Keith Thurman to fight in welterweight title unification bout Manny Pacquiao, Keith Thurman to fight in welterweight title unification bout
Pacquiao will have a hard time winning a close decision. unless it seems unlikely to haymon that Thurman will take on Spence afterward. in which case it would in everyone's best interest if Pacquiao won
If Spence stops Porter, do we really expect Run Time to wanna fight him? Spence would have to struggle with Porter for Keith to man up and fight him.
I've lost interest in Spence-Thurman. We all know damn well it's a mismatch. The only reason I'd like to see it is because it would be a big mainstream fight IF Thurman beats Pac. From a competitive standpoint, I wanna see Spence-Williams.
People always that, and I dunno why. I don't dislike Thurman at all. I dont like Porter and Cherry Garcia, but Thurman is cool with me. I just dont think he's on Spence's level... damn sure not now. Thurman shoulda caught Spence in 2014. That woulda been his best chance.
What reason would I have to lie though? You guys all know by now that I have ZERO ISSUE voicing that I dislike a fighter. Thurman is not one of the fighters I dislike. Theres no reason to lie about it. If I didnt like the guy, I'd tell you.
If you asked me do I like Canelo? Nah, not really. I dont like the cheating sonuvabitch at all. But Thurman I dont dislike. Theres also levels to my dislike. While I dont like Canelo, I dont hate him either. I hate Wilder. If he got put into a coma, I wouldn't shed a tear.
10-Thurman thinks too highly of himself....I could bypass that years ago because it seem like he was headed in the right direction of fighting the people he had to fight to show he wasn't "THE MAN"...but the last few years too much off time...too much dodging...too much ducking..too much ghosting...but still talking that same shit.
Did Pac chose this fight? Because I recall Spence calling out Pac to his face after the Garcia fight.
This is the best shot Thurman will ever have at him. Dangerous fight for Manny who may grow old overnight like all the great ones do eventually.
Pacquiao will win. 40 years old or not, "Keith" is basically a scrub in comparison. Pacquiao by clear decision.
Here is a post from Fightnews, surely a troll Sandra Parks I just can't see Manny winning this one. He's extremely athletic and durable despite his age. But, Thurman is perhaps the most technically skilled fighter in all of boxing; and hits harder than anyone Manny has ever faced.
Thurman is not “skilled”, per say. He’s quick and athletic. With above average power. I’d easily pick prime Manny over him, but I do admit Manny’s age concerns me. Hoping Pacquiao fucks him up, but I think Keith will just jab and move his way to a decision here.
It’s not uncommon for casuals to confuse skill with natural talent and athleticism. Take a peek on YouTube, Facebook, and any other boxing website and you will see people calling the likes of Khan a “Leonard with no chin” and comparing Canelo to the likes o Benitez and Whitaker. It’s the reason why I don’t really discuss much boxing outside of Fightbeat.
yeah, I rate Thurman higher than most, but he's not a skillfull fighter. He's a better version of Jean Pascal.
Very very true. Your example of Khan is the most prominent one, holy fuck the amount of times I've seen casual fans refer to Khan as something like "Such a skilled boxer, just let down by his chin". It's painful to read.
I would call Thurman a skillful guy, though obviously not the most skilled in the world. I would also call Roy Jones skillful, even though he was a leap-amateur. There is more to good boxing techniques than fighting like George Benton
Of course Thurman is skilled, as is Roy, I mean you have to be pretty skilled to reach world level. Even Maidana is skilled. But relative to his peers, fellow elite fighters? Not so much. He's not even close to being "the most technically skilled fighter in boxing", he's nowhere near.
for me, you can gauge a fighter skills by pondering if he would have success if he had less natural talent. I doubt Thurman would crack the top 10 if it was the case. Same with RJ. As soon as he lost a few milli-seconds, he became a total bum.
I completely see the point both of you guys are making, but I don't think technical finesse can be separated from physical talent very clearly. For example Foreman was a pretty skillful guy in some areas, he blocked shots and cut the ring exceptionally well. A guy who was merely big and strong (such as Breazeale) is a bum. Yet, without his physical talent Foreman wouldn't have achieved anything. So was he skillful or not, I can't say. Furthermore since I come from a country that produces power-puff punchers, I also claim that the ability to hit hard is also a skill. For example Robert Helenius scored like one KO in his first six pro bouts. Then some actual pro trainer in Sauerland fixed his technique and he became a banger. Thurman is not a well-rounded guy, that we surely can agree on. However as long as he can fight on his strengths, it doesn't necessarily matter