No. That's harsh. We'll have to see how he looks after this fight, cause he took a bit of an ass whuppin. But he still owns a stoppage win over Harrison. He's not a gatekeeper.
Now all of a sudden Hurd sucks eh? Flawed fighter for sure but his advantages in size and toughness still made him hard to beat First guy to legitimately defeat Lara, it's not like you can really luck into becoming a unified champion even in this era of fractured titles He looked alot less skilled than usual because he was fighting a very skilled foe, in Jackson
It's not he lacks skills per se. He has that fatal flaw IMHO of not being able to change in-fight. He showed no variety.
Williams vs Harrison could be an entertaining fight. Harrison is longer, sharper, more talented and he could hurt Williams with his right hand. Williams is stronger, more well rounded and he can hurt Harrison.
Lol @ Harrison being more talented. Harrison was a fucking NOBODY in boxing until he upset Charlo. A nobody! J-Rock had been highly regarded for years until Charlo (the better Charlo) upset him.
Terp just has a problem admitting when he's wrong. They both fought Hurd - its extremely apparent who the more talented man is.
By you. You’ve finally redeemed yourself for J Rock getting ktfo in his only meaningful fight. Congrats.
Harrison’s main weakness is that he’s frail and has some mental weakness and that played into Hurds strengths. Williams main weakness is he’s not especially talented. Lucky for him Hurd has no talent. Neither guy is anything special or a level above the other, but I’d slightly favor Harrison.
Faster hands, faster feet, better jab, more coordinated... Williams is so sound, consistent and well rounded that he should look better than he does. He doesn’t because he’s not that talented.
Good pick Xplosive. I can't lie, I thought Hurd would win clearly. Not sure if I overrated Hurd or underrated Williams. Probably underrated Williams tbh. He looked good. Good handspeed, accuracy, timing, decent infighting, stamina, movement, and defence. A very solid all rounder.
Did any of you guys give Dogbone a chance? I didn't. I was actually impressed with him against Magdaleno and thought he was fun to watch, but it was obvious Navarrete was bigger, better and had his number. Didn't expect quite such a one sided beating though. Little Dogbone looked hilarious after the fight. I do like Navarrete a lot though. He is quite a smooth and slippery boxer, good power, good stamina, and has some fucking long arse arms for a 5'7 guy too. I want to see Inoue Vs Navarrete.
Thanks! I think people were mainly underrating Williams. Remember, he seemed to be taking control of the Charlo fight before getting caught, and I knew that Hurd doesnt have the kinda power that Jermall has. I also knew that J-Rock is an accurate puncher, and Hurd has a shit D. What surprised me was HOW J-Rock beat him. I expected him to use his jab, and combinations and outbox Hurd from the outside. Instead, he beat him by putting on an infighting clinic. I expected him to BEAT Hurd, but I was just as surprised as everyone else that he BEAT UP Hurd. Williams truly beat the shit outta him. It was surprising.
Terp doesnt think Walker Smith is the GOAT. He thinks Quartey is the GOAT, and thinks Rosendo Alvarez was on par with Duran. So perhaps he sees Ike Quartey Jr in Harrison.
Hurd is the kind of guy who will go downhill quickly. His defense is just pure shit. despite the odds I wasn’t surprised Williams beat him.
I agree. Navarrette is a pleasure to watch. Loved how he feinted the right and then caught Dogboe with the left upper. To be fair, Dogboe's height and style played right into Navarrette's hand. So I'm anxious to see him against someone more typical size. Plus, Dogboe repeatedly backing up could not have been a worse strategy.
Obviously Williams and Harrison aren’t on that level. But Harrison was winning pretty easily til he got caught.
J-Rock beats Jermell. I'm VERY confident of that. Jermell doesn't have the power that Jermall has. And skillwise, Jermell can't compete with J-Rock. But discussing a Williams-Jermell matchup is premature... Jermell might not win the Harrison rematch.
Yeah I would agree with that, it was clearly a favourable matchup for Navarrete - a tiny little fucker he could keep on the end of his punches, that didn't really close distance effectively and get inside etc. But yeah he does look legit, I would also love to see him against someone more his size.