werd... STFU Malignaggi..."That is a STATEMENT Wilder made a STATEMENT tonight"..... Merchant: "He beat Brazil SO WHAT!?"
Bet Wilder is fucking that ms piggy with her tits out seated next to his wife.....always downgrading...
Look at that bitch...with tears in his eyes...LOL>......he just Ko'ed prime Tyson, Holyfield, Bowe, Lennox(ok maybe) ..
Breazeale don't wanna talk to Jim Grey cause Grey told the truth and said the public don't wanna watch Wilder vs a bum like him.
Wilder has horrifying punching power. Unfortunately his stance is all wrong, so his punches don't count
The one person that deserves credit is me. As I said Dominick needed to land counter rights on an overly aggressive wilder. And he did. He rocked Wilder and the plan would have worked if he continued it. But no he stood there in front of him without defense like an idiot and got ko'ed. The only good thing that came out of this is that I was right and would make a great trainer.
Wilder can punch like hell no doubt about it. But anyone with a bit of skills should be able to avoid his amateurish flurries and haymakers save for the occasional odd one. Luckily for Wilder, that's all he may need most of the time (and, oh yeah, the division is also totally devoided of talent).
There once a time when the casuals legitimately thought Butterbean could beat Tyson. I thought it was a running joke, but nah, some of em legitimately believed it.