I saw it last night. It was better than average, especially for a Netflix movie, but it was nothing special overall. I'd give it a 6/10. It tried to be a hybrid of Whiplash, Black Swan, and Hard Candy, but it couldnt hold a candle to any of the three. But yes, the black girl (Logan Browning) was sexy as fuck.
it's alright changes direction a few times, so rather clever i suppose 6/10 is fair...for a Netflix movie that's a decent score
No. 8 is too high. There wasnt a damn thing 8 about this movie. Like I said, it tried to borrow bits and pieces from Whiplash, Black Swan, and Hard Candy, but the attempted amalgamation just didnt translate into a great film. It pretty good for a NETFLIX MOVIE... but it was mediocre if you compare it to actual quality.
7 is generous. I just said it was above average cause Netflix originals are generally ass. The Perfection was not ass... but it wasnt particularly good either.
the thing is it's a very watchable movie . if you said to someone to check out a 6/10 movie.... they wouldn't
6/10, to ME, means a movie that's worth watching once. And that's all The Perfection was. I didn't feel like I wasted my time watching it. It was good enough to keep my attention... which is more than can be said for MOST Netflix movies, cause God knows I turn off about 80% of them after 15-20 mins. So The Perfection accomplished something. HOWEVER... I have no desire to ever watch it again. In a couple years, I'll probably forget about it all together. An 8/10 movie is one that resonates with me, and one that I'd watch more than once.
Yeah, it was ok. Kind of gross in a Panchy type of way, and it was a relatively quick watch. Accurate in all the comparisons to "Black Swan", "Whiplash", and "Hard Candy" insofar as having common themes, but nowhere in the league of any of those films. The characters were too haphazardly presented to us, for us to actually care about any of them in the way we might have in the other mentioned films. Brisk enough pace to keep your attention throughout though. Points off the board however, when the highest point of tension in the movie happens to be, whether or not the hot cellist shits her pants on a bus in China. C'mon man, this is China. It's almost a requirement for you to shit on a bus at some point in your life. That's why the bus driver was so upset. You fucked up his schedule, when you could have just shat on the bus, and nobody would have thought twice about it. 6/10
that's true, I was on a long bus trip through China and had to take a dump so bad that I was thinking about grabbing one of those bin bags from the aisle and heading to the back seat