Then he got the chance, had a promising start and then spent a good 6 rounds or so probably wishing he'd not gotten that chance
Nino Valdez was one of these guys who consistently shot himself in the foot by losing fights he was expected to win, fights that would've gotten him title shots
And then complained about it till he died. Reminds me of when people said that Buddy McGirt begged Whittaker for a rematch he wished he never got.
McGirt was the worst whiner ... Moore, as brilliant as he was and I love watching him, he was as petty as any fighter... refused to give Marciano proper credit for absolutely battering him and in countless interviews would wax poetic about Bivins, Harold Johnson, Lloyd Marshall, Holman Williams... all great fighters he both beat and was beaten by ... he never so much as muttered the words "Ezzard" and "Charles"... a guy that beat him 3 out of 3
Who on earth cares about title belts? Grant was, in pretty much all rankings, a top-3 guy, and the fact that he got exposed said very little about the status of the division
The Grant comparison keeps coming up, but to be fair, I think AJ would have beaten Grant. Both are/were fragile, and both are/were easy to hit, but AJ has more talent and power than Grant had. He wouldn't have fared any better than Grant did against Lewis though. Probably would have been an identical fight.
Sly claims he gave up FB because it took up too much of his time He sends me Facebook messages about boxing and I respond with shit like "This opinion is available to Fightbeat™ members only"
Well he did say it was an addiction and a distraction so that's fair enough. He's not been hard to contact, he admits Joshua fucked up and that Wilder would destroy Joshua in about 3 round so he's not deluded.
The Sly one is one of the guys that I really miss on fightbeat. Steve Dave is another one. Hope they will be back.
Poor Sly. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Avatar. ´Legend´ by Bob Marley And The Wailers. Awful movies. Hated homos. And Joe Frazier.
Little weak Canadian faggot-punk got all sensitive when the hideous, Canadian fat piece of shit Rydell got to him.
Nah he came back from the Rydell fued, I think the final time was Irish alluding to emailing his posts to his employer, hasn't been back since.
LOL imagine if Fury got beat tonight. What a fucking disaster the division would be then. I would rule nothing out by now :) EDIT: not on for another FUCKING WEEK
I don't know if he WOULD have but he certainly COULD have. The word on Joshua now appears to be to get through the early rounds, work in close, and his shitty stamina and poor defence means you will have a chance. It's never a good sign when such a basic blueprint seems to hold so much promise.
AJ's defense is his biggest problem. It's like... REALLY fucking bad. You could throw a pebble into an open field and hit AJ in the face.
He's got no defence in the exchanges........and he's got no defence other than a half-step back and counter when the other guy attacks. His punch is also overrated. I think Ruiz is the first fight where when AJ couldn't take the guy out, he literally had no fucking Plan B. Parker never made him work. The only caveat is more left hook after he first dropped Ruiz....and he'd have ended it right there. He's a devastating man when he is allowed to tee-off, but he can't seem to generate power when he's backing up or being tentative.