alvarez is tougher and more durable than i anticipated. golovkin could potentially wear him down for a stoppage later in the fight when the freckled fagget inevitably tires, but the problem is golovkin is too reticent to go downstairs consistently and accept the incoming counter punches from the quicker guy.
Yep. The problem is not his willingness to take the punches, but he's slowed to the point I don't think he can avoid most of them if he chose to. He's never had great head movement and defense but he used to slip a lot of shots that he's now taking full force.
This is true. I didn't realise either tbh, until around the first Canelo fight, because it's been a gradual rather than overnight thing. But yeah, when you look at Golovkin fights from a few years ago you realise he was much faster.
GGG has definitely slowed down. Still a good, solid fighter but no longer feared like he used to be. At this stage of their careers, I would pick Saunders to beat Golovkin.
I wouldn't. GGG has boxing skills and knows how to cut off the ring. He may have slowed down but he's still not a lead footed plodder.
Saunders would grow in confidence. He's the poor mans Fury. I expect the usual cunts, Eubank Jr and Saunders, will be circling as GGG inevitably crosses the threshold from sliding to slid.
it would be a travesty if a coward like saunders is rewarded with a victory over an obviously declined golovkin after he shamefully ducked the guy for years
That is how boxing works unfortunately........Saunders will not legitimately make a move to secure that fight until it is safe. Saunders is talented and skilled, but he is a lazy bully and a sick coward into the bargain.
To be honest GGG was also a bit of a coward. Only wanted risky fights if the money was through the roof
Theres wanting to getting paid, and not accepting a risky fight unless its against the biggest cash cow in boxing
Golovkin's always been massively overtated especially by the fuckin hypocritical (don't)know-it-all twats on this Forum. I called eveyone out with a load of posts years ago about it too. Froch would've wasted this baby-face who wouldnt move up.
Froch also said that he'd be too big and strong for GGG and was tempted to come out of retirement, but it was like a year after retiring when Golovkin's team started showing real interest in the fight.
He actually said "he's a bit small". Americans loved to hate on Froch because of his odd-Brit arrogance. Froch would've totally wrecked Golovkin.
Golovkin was a typical 'flat-track bully'. Martin Murray said George Groves hit harder at 168 than Golovkin did at 160. So, a) Froch hits bigger b) takes better shots at 168 and basically c) wrecks little kid Golovkin
So basically, all these years later, age 37, he's battered everyone in his path apart from Canelo, who he beat once clearly, then lost a close decision. And somehow, you think this validates your opinion that he's overrated? You absolute fucktard Golovkin would have battered slow arse Frock all over the place.
LOL When did Luis Ortiz become some killer? It's ridiculous ... who the fuck did he ever beat? He's no better a fighter than Murray, Macklin, Geale, Rubio etc ...
Ortiz is good for heavyweight if you grade those slobs on a curve Then again you gotta factor in him being in his mid 40s, coming off the juice, and still having wilder all but stopped and in need of a dubious extra 15 to 20 second break from the crooked officials
I love me some Golovkin, probably the biggest Golovkin fan on FB - but yeah, I think Ortiz is a good boxer, I'd consider him better than those 4 and clearly so. He's probably better than Kell Brook too, though he was already pushing 40 when he fought Wilder, so maybe it's even stevens.
Well ortiz did defeat Bryant Jennings, that alone should settle this debate! Didnt exactly cover himself in glory when he allowed haymon to force him to refuse a career high payday vs Joshua, either