There's nothing clear about the slovenly Ortiz being appreciably better than any of those guys ... he's got 28 wins over terrible fighters and literally nothing else
See my post above, moron. Then learn sonething about: Boxing Power Weight-classes Physical size One more thing: D.I.E
You absolute daft cunt. Because the bigger guy always wins right? If that was true Pacquiao and Floyd would be like 0-15 at welterweight. Get a clue, you bellend.
Ortiz has zero wins against anybody even kinda good His entire rep is based on hurting Wilder (which even the pathetic Breazeale managed) and getting KOd
He also outboxed Wilder smoothly before Fury did. Ortiz's daughter is sick dude. I can't believe you're going here.
So GGG's probably going to fight Canelo for a third time at some point. Other than that, is he just going to face more bums like Rolls for the rest of his DAZN contract?
REED Can Only Conclude You HAVEN'T Watched Luis Ortiz Fight, McDogg... Based on the Eyeball Test ALONE, He Shits on the Names You Listed In Terms of Skill, Nuance, Power, etc... REED
GGG's Never Been Terribly Ambitious... When Canelo and Cotto Ducked Him for 2 Years, he Fought Bums...DAZN Signed Him in Hopes of Pairing him w/Saunders or Andrade, as he Waited for the 3rd Canelo Fight...Instead Triple G Pursued Brandon Adams, but Jermall Charlo Beat Him to the Punch...So Steve Rolls was Designated for Assignment... To Answer Your Question, YES, Triple G Will Shamelessly Bide His Time Feasting on Flotsam, Until Canelo Fights Him a 3rd Time... REED
I've had the displeasure of watching him ... he's a fat pig with slow motion "skill" in the shit division and his opponents have been atrocious ... he has one fight against a notable opponent in which he was KOd... that opponent is a comically unskilled retard that throws haymakers that knock out fat guys and terrified scrubs ... there is no GGGs in the Heavyweight division... if there was one half as good, there'd be dead fat guys all over the place and Wilder and Joshua would both be in comas ... it's a lot easier to pass an eyeball test in slow motion against absolute bums ... not very long ago Ortiz was fighting guys like Monte Barrett, who must be like 60 by now
Certainly No Anthony Joshua from the Neck Down, but Ortiz Ain't Andy Ruiz Either Bruh...In Fact, his "Fatness" Falls Somewhere in the Larry Holmes, Riddick Bowe Area, in REED's Opinion... Bryant Jennings is "Notable" for Certain, as Was Tony Thompson...Exaggerations Aside, "Fat Guys and Terrified Scrubs" Don't Compete on the Cuban National Team, Sorry... REED
I hear Pete Rademacher won a gold medal This is professional boxing I don't want to hear about how shit Rubio is or Geale is when you're seriously putting names like Jennings and Tony Thompson out there Larry Holmes?!?!?! 90s Larry Holmes, maybe
There you go...showing your GGG hate after a heavy dose of truth. Obviously you don't know what you're witnessing. The greatest fighter since Ray Robinson. GGG has a higher body count than John Wick!
Precedent Dude, Precedent...More Than ANY Other Fistic Country Cuba is RENOWN for Producing SKILLED, CAPABLE Fighters Regardless of Weight...And You KNOW This! This Has Been the Case Since BEFORE You and REED were Born and Remains Such Today... Literally, Only 1 Cuban Immediately Springs to Mind that Flat Out SUCKED as a Pro; Jorge Luis Gonzalez... You're Getting Lost in Your OWN Comparisons, McDogg...You Compared Macklin, Murray, Geale and Rubio to Ortiz...REED Hasn't Deviated from That...You Said the Only "Notable" Guy Ortiz Fought was Wilder and that Simply ISN'T True, and REED Mentioned Jennings and Thompson in THAT Regard.... But Back to Your Flat Out RIDICULOUS Assertion Ortiz is Somehow Analogous to Macklin, Murray, Geale and Rubio... Matthew Macklin is a Professional LOSER @ World Level...Been Stopped 4 Fucking Times...Ditto for Martin Murray (Tougher than Macklin, Admittedly), Whose "Biggest" Win is GABEfuckingROSADO! Were YOU Impressed by Daniel Geale Getting His Shit Pushed In by a Former Lightweight, Because REED Sure as Fuck Wasn't...And Rubio was ALREADY Sitting on 6 Losses, Half of them by KO, When he Faced Triple G...How the Fuck are ANY Of Them On Par w/Ortiz???.... In Terms of Skill, Talent, Ring IQ and Application of Those Traits, Luis Ortiz is a HIGHER LEVEL FIGHTER Than Macklin, Murray, Geale or Rubio...Hell, Even if Wilder-Ortiz is the ONLY Fight of His You've Seen (& REED's Thinking That's Probably the Case Here), Ortiz's LEVEL Speaks for Itself... He was Whipping Wilder's Ass Most of the Fight, from CLOSE Range No Less...Unlike Fury, Who Used Legs and Head Movement Primarily...Luis Ortiz Can Fight, Period...It's Why He's Been Largely DUCKED In his Division for the Better Part of the Last 5 Years... You and X Have Your Cute Little Party Trick, Hating ALL Things Heavyweight & That's Fine...But You Can't Apply Close Minded, Bullshit Logic to EVERY SINGLE Heavyweight that Comes to the Fore, Just Because You Have a Built in Bias AGAINST the Entire Division Itself... To Date, Triple G HAS NOT KO'ed a Guy as Good as Luis Ortiz and Luis Ortiz is a BETTER Fighter than the Likes of Macklin, Murray, Geale and Rubio... Here's the "Fat" Luis Ortiz Wilder Faced... REED
I've seen plenty of Macklin and Murray fights being from the UK and all, decent fighters I suppose, but Ortiz is miles ahead of them in terms of ring IQ and well, being good at boxing.
NATHAN But Looooooooooove and Respect btwn REED and McDogg, but he's Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Offbase On This One... REED
To be fair I can see both sides. Ortiz does pass the eye test. He obviously looks far better and more skilled than the aforementioned Golovkin foes. But at the same time, it is about results right? How many times have we seen a guy look pretty slick and skilled only to turn out to be a total hypejob when facing a true elite fighter. Then you get guys like Maidana who look downright crude, but somehow get the job done, and actually gave Floyd one of his toughest fights.