Ortiz seems like a better fighter than those guys because most of his career has been showcase fights against journeyman that aren’t as good as those guys. Being a “name” fighter is always relative and subject to circumstance.
Your Point is Valid, the Problem is McDogg’s Arguing BOTH Sides of Your Point. He’s Harping on the Lack of Elite Level Results, Which is Fair Considering Ortiz’s Resume. Simultaneously, McDogg Flat Out REFUSES to Give Deontay Wilder a Shred of Credit DESPITE His Results. If It’s REALLY About Results, Boxing Fans Need to Eventually Shut the Fuck Up About a Legitimately AMBITIOUS Motherfucker That’s 41-0-1, 40 KO’s, Right? No, in THAT Instance McDogg Shits on Wilders Obvious Lack of Finesse, Wherewithal and Boxing Acumen, Results Be Damned. In the Next Breath, He’s Shitting on an Obviously Skilled and Talented Heavyweight Practitioner In Ortiz for LOSING to a 41-0-1, 40 KO’s Motherfucker. He’s Conveniently Positioned Himself to NEVER Be Impressed By Contemporary Heavyweight Boxing. And REED Respectfully Says “Fuck That”. REED
OK REED, yeah that is fair enough. Personally I am more about results, and as such I have to give Wilder credit, he certainly has got results and will continue to get them, as much of a flailing spaz as he often looks ;)
To me Gennady didn't prove anything more than that he can hit, and we all already knew that. I think the guy is past it at almost 38 and clocked out an inferior foe who fought with his chin straight up in the air. Neither Canelo nor Oscar doesn't need him and GGG is on the outside looking in. He had alvarez for an hour and twelve minutes and couldn't close him out or really do much of anything with him. There are lots of middleweights he can fight not named Alvarez.
REED Begrudgingly Gave Wilder His Props Also. Probably Around the Time of Stiverne II. Fundamentally, Wilder Just Might Be THE Worst “Good” Fighter That Ever Lived. But Results Don’t Lie;He IS a Good Fighter, No Matter How Bad He Looks in the Ring. REED
Aren't you the guy that thinks watching Big Baby Miller fight is a similar experience to watching Tim Witherspoon fight? Yeah, you're THAT guy Obviously I watch the sport and have seen the legendary Ortiz win fights against absolute bums and old guys and seen him get KOd by a guy that can't box at all
Jennings and Thompson are shittier fighters than Rubio, Geale, Murray etc ... they both absolutely suck The Heavyweight division IS awful, the middleweight division is appreciably better than it If the end product of this discussion is somehow attempting to assert that Deontay Wilder is as good as or better than GGG, that is a preposterous assertion
For example, Reggie Johnson or Ronnie Harris both looked miles better than Vito Antuofermo or Mustafa Hamsho... if either of the former were matched prime for prime against either of the latter, I'd bet a grand on Johnson or Harris losing a unanimous decision
I agree that results against top comp is all that matters. Without it you have guys like Broner on bozos' p4p list. But in regards to cdogg and Ortiz, cdogg, you are not only denigrating his competition, but you also seem to be ragging on his technique and power. I don't think that is warranted. He probably has the best technique in the division and maybe second or third best power imo.
I'm not ragging on it, I'm putting into context ... it's good for this division at this present moment
But unlike wins or losses, technique doesn't require context. Ortiz's technique would be top line in any era. Not saying he beats a Witherspoon or a Ruddok. He hasn't faced guys of that calibur. But his boxing skills exceed those guys and are certainly on a par with the top guys from the 90s and 2000s for example.
Yes... it's completely insane to say that Tim Witherspoon was clearly a better, more skillful professional prizefighter than Ortiz ... anybody arguing against that is crazy as fuck
Brother McDogg, REED Has Yet to Compare Jennings or Thompson to Rubio, Geale, Murray, etc...REED's Issue was You Comparing Those Men to Luis Ortiz...Jennings and Thompson were ONLY Mentioned When You Said Wilder was the Only "Notable" Guy Ortiz has Faced... Your Opinion of the Heavyweight Division is Just That, an OPINION...And w/That Said, Dude's Like Fury and Ortiz Have EXTENSIVE Backgrounds in Boxing...They're Not "Failed Athlete's" Who Took Up Boxing as a Last Resort, Pretty Much ALL They Did was Box from What REED's Read...And They Both Possess a Degree of Nuance and Comfort in the Ring That Gives Them @ Least a CHANCE of Competing in Any Era of Heavyweight Boxing... And Right HERE is Where You'll Have a Problem...You Flat Out REFUSE to Admit ANY Current Boxer Can Be Better Than "Such and Such from Yesteryear", Particularly @ Heavyweight...You Won't Even Consider the POSSIBILITY of a Current Heavy Being Competitive w/an Ol' School Heavy.... REED Doesn't Recall Anyone Saying Wilder was As Good or Better Than GGG...But Wilder HAS KO'ed a Fighter Better Than ANYBODY GGG Ever Has... REED
And yet Ortiz was knocked dead by a clumsy guy who took up the sport as a last resort and because of this we are to elevate him in order to simultaneously elevate said last resorter I'm arguing with people that think Luis Ortiz is better at prizefighting than Tim Witherspoon was and even more amazing looks better than him ... that is madness
Yes, he was definitely better which he proved by fighting other guys that were good and beating some of them as well
Bruh, Please Don't DEVOLVE the Debate w/REED, Who Hasn't Mentioned Ortiz and Witherspoon @ All... You've Just Rubber Stamped the Point REED Made to MWS...You're SLIGHTING a Skilled Cuban Because an Awkward, Misplaced Late Starter, Who JUST FUCKING HAPPENS TO BE 41-0-1, 40 KO's Came from Behind and Stopped Him...w/Extra Recovery Time After Being CLEARLY Hurt... Which Tells REED, Even if Ortiz Had Won, You'd Focus on Wilder's Limitations Instead of Ortiz BEATING Him, Anyways...Simply Put, You DON'T WANT to Like the Heavyweight Division, No Matter What...Period...Your Mind is ALREADY Made Up...When You're Shitting on the Eye Ball Test AND the Result, Simultaneously, There's Really NATHAN Else to Say... Which Makes REED Wonder WHY You Even Bother Watching Heavyweights @ All???... REED
Nonsense... the idea of "wanting to like" or "not wanting to like" is ludicrous and anathema to objectively assessing it. I was attacked for being similarly skeptical about the quality of Anthony Joshua and the relevance of his size as it related to his chances against past heavyweights... he then got the fuck beaten out of him by a little fat guy ... had that fight not occurred, I have no doubt that I'd be getting lectured on how good Heavyweight boxing currently is because of the dynamite trifecta of AJ/Wilder/Fury and how I'm clearly a hater for not extolling its quality... well, I was fucking right about Joshua and the people who insisted that "Joshua KO3 Frazier" was a sensible POV look like dopes ... for the decade or so of Klitschkos, many of the same people were laughing at this division and it's abundance of overweight putzes ... now because they're gone, suddenly the division is hot shit? Luis Ortiz is a high quality pro because he has nicer technique than most of today's heavyweights and has victories over guys who were shitty 10 years ago, essentially is what I'm supposed to be endorsing here and obviously I hate boxing if I don't
Look, Some of Us Who Appreciate Contemporary Heavyweight Boxing Saw Flaws in Joshua as Well...While REED Fell Short of Picking Ruiz, he Did Predict Ruiz's "Handspeed and Combination Punching Will Trouble Joshua" and That He'd "Probably" Even Drop Him... The Klitschko Era was about Wlad Getting KO'ed a Couple Times and Deciding to Fight NOT to Lose, Instead of Fighting to Win...Couple That w/Vitali's Injuries and Interest Waned in the Division...The Division is Picking Up Steam Because There's FRESH Faces and for the Most Part Guys Are Trying to Tear Each Others Heads Off... You Persist w/LAME Ass Exaggerations About Ortiz, But he HASN'T Only Beaten Guys That Were Good 10 Years Ago, No Matter How Many Times You Say It... If You Can Look @ Tyson Fury or Luis Ortiz Fight and NOT Come Away the Least Bit Impressed That's NOT an Objective Assessment, That's a Built-In, Preconceived Notion...You DON'T Want to Like Heavyweight Boxing, Which is Fine, But it's Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from Objective... REED
LOOK, don't you DARE start a reply to me with LOOK WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE??? Seriously we're going in circles... I could just as easily say that you want the Heavyweight division to be good so you're telling yourself mediocrity is excellence
Calm the Fuck Down Bruh... You're Overtly Negative, Pissy and Dismissive of EVERY Current Heavyweight, 100% of the Fucking Time...Even NOTICEABLY Skilled Guys Like Fury and Ortiz...@ No Point Have You EVER Seen REED Overtly Positive, Gleeful or 100% Accepting of All Things Heavyweight... The Day REED DOES Is the Day You Can Rightfully Attach Your Last Statement to Him... Until Then, Good Day Sir... REED
Again, I could say you're overly excited and impressed by the same guys and react to any criticism of them by playing the "hater" card 'Round and round we go BITCH