No but you'd expect a guy with "good power" to have a higher KO % than Pernell Whitaker especially when he's faced a lot of nobodies
Thurman is not particularly good and I've been saying so for quite some time... that he looked this poor against a complete nonentity like Lopez, inactivity or not is surprising even to me as a huge detractor of his and does not bode well for his future Lopez is a guy any decent fighter should beat with plenty of room to spare because he's not good
you cant expect thurman to come off a long layoff and look sharp against the likes of jc chavez, josesito lopez, marvin hagler, etc
Ben Tackie had ridiculous power, yet his KO ratio was as bad as Lopez one. Do you actually follow boxing?
Rust Doesn't Excuse Nearly Being Stopped by Lopez, Sorry... Dude 10-8'ed Thurman On All 3 Cards...UNfuckingACCEPTABLE... REED
Nobody is excusing Thurman performance against Lopez. He looked atrocious. Still, Lopez is not the total bum some are making him out to be
Ben Tackie was a professional loser for the last decade of his career, for one thing and fought stiffer opposition and for another had fights which clearly demonstrated his power ... there's no comparison Where's the evidence of Lopez being any kind of puncher? Breaking a guy's jaw? That could happen to anybody from anybody... Who's the best guy Lopez ever floored? Has he ever floored a guy ranked in the top 100?
Right And Lopez has never done that to anybody good unless you rate Victoria Ortiz 100 years ago as good
He nearly koed (or at the very least seriously hurted) Maidana (who got KD, but the ref missed the call) and thurman. You don't do this if you don't have power.
17 minutes mark. I guess you can argue that Lopez pushed him down (in fact he broke the clinch and Maidana fell cause he had no legs), but I think it's clear that what caused the fall were the punches before
LOL that's not a knockdown if the guy standing is in his own backyard with his brother as the ref and his wife as the commissioner
Ridiculous the lengths you'll go just to hold out against admitting that you're wrong... Josesito Lopez isn't good now and he wasn't good many years ago when the above took place... he hasn't gotten better Layoff or not, he was chosen by Thurman's people because he was expected to be EASY WORK ... that he turned out not to be says loads more about Thurman than him
I know training clips don’t always tell the story but Thurman looks slow and telegraphed hitting the heavy bag and pads, whereas Manny looks quick and sharp from early on in his training clips. I really wouldn’t be the least bit shocked if Thurman pulls out last minute on an “injury.”
Thurman out here posting pics on his Instagram flying planes n shit. Doing his lil bullshit yoga workouts that guys like Hagler would probably shake their head in disgust watching. I was initially picking Keith, but I'm starting to feel like he's here to cashout.
Thurman posts a pic in the cockpit of a plane, and you got people in the comments saying stuff like: "This guy will even learn how to fly to get away from Spence."
Knowing Doub, its probably the most random observation. He's glad that Angel Manfredy got a just decision over Ivan Robinson.