To the poster known as Employee, at NO point was I a Golov nuthugger. You sound like the man you hate so much, REED. I said as far back as a few years ago going into the Golov-Canelo fight that BOTH should go down in history as overrated. At NO point did I claim Golovkin to be a great fighter. In his prime he was definitely top 3-5 P4P, and he should be remembered as a very good middleweight... but I said from the fuckin JUMP that he couldn't shine the shoes of Hagler/Monzon/Hopkins/Robinson/Jones, ect. Unlike Stafford, who at one point was saying Hagler vs Golovkin was a pick em. BTW - Golovkin would have stopped Jermain Taylor.
Finally got round to seeing some of it. Good scrap, Golovkin was definitely getting hurt and pushed back. From my perspective it looked like he got the worst of it but admittedly I'm going off highlights so I can't be sure. Fun fight though.
Not upset. Disappointed. 10-15 years ago this was the best boxing forum on the net, bar none. Trolls like you and Employee have dragged it into the gutter.
That wide? Really? Will try and catch the whole thing sometime this week. I think Canelo gets a legitimate win over GGG now if they fight a third time.
Jacobs has four things over Taylor: 1. More power. 2. More ring IQ. 3. Better stamina. 4. A weight cheat. Taylor was more athletic than Jacobs, but he was dumb as a brick, and had quite possibly the worst stamina ever seen in a top fighter. I think Taylor would give Golov problems early with his speed and jab, but as always, his stupid ass would burn himself out.
Not me. The other cretin you mention is the one on here creating anti-boxing threads. AND being racist.
Not sure about having better power. Taylor floored Froch and pavlik hard, and both had great chin. Look, I'm not saying I'd pick Taylor against GGG (I wouldn't) but I don't dismiss his chances either.
Im not sure its a coincidence that ggg age caught up to him exactly at the same time he started facing credible boxers
Well he wasn't, he was game as fuck and had a good gameplan to avoid GGG's favoured midrange - just lacked some size/power and even then made it close.
Furthermore, sonny, 10-15 years ago, boxing was actually 2x more relevant than today and not a borderline fringe-sport...and no amount of contention or debate from you, REED or any other hardcore boxing fan is going to change that. The General Boxing discussion board is going it's natural course.
I'm seeing a lot of people downplaying derevyanchenko. golovkin himself claims he lost focus after he dropped the guy early. Despite it being a fairly obvious flash knockdown Then there is the faction that claims he is shot. Then I'm reading he was sick all week, and had an injured hand that prevented him from sparring the last 2 weeks