So in December he'll be fighting the corpse of Gamboa. After that, I know what's next, cause Tank already hinted at on Showtime's telecast - he'll be fighting Leo Santa Cruz... on PPV. Tank has now moved up to 135, meaning LSC will probably have to jump two divisions. Santa Cruz isn't even a big puncher at 126... What a disappointment Tank's career has been.
REED Still Thinks Floyd is SABOTAGING Tank's Career... Not to the Point of Getting Tank Beaten, but Undermining How BIG He Can Become as a Fighter...There was NOfuckingEXCUSE to Not Unify @ Least 1 Title @ '30, Yet Tank and Mayweather Promotions Never Got Around To It... Like REED's Said Previously, Floyd Doesn't Want ANY Fighter of His to Even Approach the Level of Fame/Accomplishment He Reached...Even When he's NOT Boxing, Floyd Still Wants All the Attention...It's Why he Attends EVERY Big Vegas Fight, Leaks Footage of himself Doing Heavy Bag Work, then Flippantly Says "I'm Retired"... It's Why During Tank's Homecoming in Baltimore Floyd Tried to Make HIMSELF the Face of the Promotion...Gave as Many, if Not MORE Interviews than Tank Did...Even Announced in the IMMEDIATE Post-Fight that Gamboa Would Be Next... Tank vs Santa Cruz AIN'T a PPV Fight...Not a Headliner, that's for Damn Sure...Co-Main for a More Important Bout? Whatever... REED Doesn't Think Tank is Being "Protected", He's Being Blatantly MISmanaged, Sabotaged...The ONLY Good Thing about Tank's 2019 is he Will Have Been in the Ring 3 Times...Besides that, Yet Another WASTED Year... REED
Problem is Tank ain't too bright. To me he comes across as a good hearted kid, but not very bright. Ellerbe/Floyd know that he's a dumb individual, and they're taking advantage of him. Well, Floyd is a fucking idiot himself, but Ellerbe is intelligent, and is pulling all the strings to fuck Tank over.
Exactly... Tank's a Good Dude But he Seems Gullible, TRUSTING to a Fault... The Type That Would Marry a Stripper w/Out a Pre-Nup...The Type That's Currently Paying Toooo Many OTHER People's Bills for Them...The Type That Would NEVER Question or Challenge the Fights/Moves "MONEY MAYWEATHER" Makes for Him... Floyd IS a Dumbass Himself, So Handling the Career of Someone w/an Even LOWER IQ Feeds His Ego...Reeks of Self-Serving FAUX Pity, and it REALLY Makes Floyd Feel Better About HIMSELF...Classic Floyd... You're Also Right about Ellerbe...It's Easy to SLEEP On His Intellect Based on Affiliation, but Ellerbe's Parlayed That Into THE Most Important Seat in Mayweather Promotions...& While Ellerbe DOES Come Off as a Floyd Mayweather Kiss Ass, He's Actually the One PIMPING Floyd... REED
how is mayweather jr taking advantage of davis? davis has got paid very well to fight absolutely nobody. he is also becoming a certified attraction without having had to take any risk whatsoever. to me it seems like his promoter doesnt have much faith in him being the real deal, and being ready for legitimate opposition.
Tank going from beating cab drivers and former featherweights to call out the best junior welter. Slow your role, fat boy.
REED Never Said Floyd was "Taking Advantage" of Tank, Although Tank's Gullibility Could Certainly Lead Him Down that Road... In Terms of Building a Memorable, HOF Worthy Boxing Career, REED Thinks Floyd is Intentionally Holding Tank Bank...Again, There was NOfuckingEXCUSE Not to Engage in @ Least 1 Unification Fight @ '30...Berchelt, Farmer and Herring Would've ALL Been Sizable Underdogs Against Tank... Tank's Become a Certified Attraction Due to His OWN Social Media Presence and his OWN Relationships w/Spence, Broner, etc...That Ain't Floyd... REED Doesn't Recall Hearing Even 1 Spence-Broner Type Sparring Story Involving Tank...In Fact, by Most Accounts, Tank is Revered in Boxing Circles as a POWERHOUSE, Tysonesque Little Guy... REED Understands Not Jumping Into a Loma Fight But All the Other Fights Tank/Mayweather Promotions Declined Makes NO Sense @ All... REED
Like Toilet Paper, Taylor Would LITERALLY Put Tank Between His Pasty, White, Scottish Cheeks and Wipe His Ass... REED
The key is to distinguish what we as fans want to see and what Tank as a fighter would prefer. PBF has never seemed particularly concerned with the wishes of fans. Rather, he seems to target know-nothing groupies who will buy whatever he's selling. This happens to align with Tank's desire for a long and profitable career. And that's what we're seeing play out. My theory is PBF promotions is very fragile at this point and thus concludes it cannot afford for Tank to lose.
Could Be Something to That... Mayweather Promotions is the Equivalent of a 10 Year Old's Lemonade Stand On His Parents Sidewalk...Al Haymon is the Parent, Floyd is the One w/the Harmless Business On his Daddy's Property... Every One of Tank's Nationally Televised Fights Have Been on a Network Haymon Had Contractual Ties w/Already...Mayweather Promotions Doesn't Have a TV Contract @ All, They're 100% Dependent on PBC for TV Dates... Floyd Looooooooooooooves Saying He's His Own Boss, but in Reality Al Haymon's His Boss...Does Anyone REALLY Think Floyd was in those Board Rooms Negotiating 9 Figure Deals???...No, it was the Dude w/an MBA from Harvard..."Money May" NEVER Exists w/Out Al Haymon... Their Relationship Works Because Haymon Isn't Petty Enough to Give a Fuck about Interviews or Floyd's Childish Insecurities... Tank's By Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar the Biggest Name on Mayweather Promotions Roster...Beyond That There's Badou Jack, Angelo Leo, J'Leon Love and.....??? REED
herring is pretty new. i do think they tried to make fight with farmer. and berchelt is a very dangerous fight for davis. a 50/50 kinda fight. i was responding to xplosive claiming mayweather jr was taking advantage of davis. i dont think they are purposely sabotaging his career either. i get the impression they dont have faith in his dedication and/or ability at this point in time and are hoping to keep him unbeaten until they can cash him out on a big ppv.
I can see them doubting his dedication. Not sure why they would be worried about his ability unless they know something about his chin that we dont. Davis has the physical talent to provide danger to Loma.
Who wins between Tank and Haney? Cause right now I would call it a toss up. In a year, Haney a clear favorite.
The Dedication is 2-Fold Though... There's Been Years Tank's Fought as Few as 1nce or 2wice...That's His Promoter's Fault...More than Most Fighters, Tank NEEDS an Active Schedule to Prevent Weight Gain in Between Bouts... Thankfully, Tank's Getting a 3rd Fight This Year and Not Coincidentally, His Weight Hasn't Gotten ABSURD Either... REED
Good Mesh of Styles... Despite His Lack of Pop, Haney Seems to PREFER Staying in Punching Range, Chopping His Man Down, Which Would Be to His Detriment vs. Tank...Tank Would Land the Harder More TELLING Shots and Win a Clear but Close UD... agREED that the Loooooooooooooooonger it Takes for this to Materialize, the BETTER for Haney...@ '40 He Will Have Filled Out More, Gotten Stronger and Developed More Oooomph on his Shots... REED
As fighters? Before we contemplate these two facing each other, it makes sense to make sure they're on the same level.
In Theory they SHOULDN'T Be, Considering Tanks Nearly 4 FULL Years Older, But Despite Having Started his Career Later, Haney Currently Has 1 MORE Fight than Tank Does... Tank's Relative Inactivity Coupled w/His Promoter's LESS than Aggressive Matchmaking Just About Levels Them Off in REED's Opinion... REED
REED Would Love to See Haney vs Pedraza, But Aside from That, 100% agREED... Tank's Almost 4 Years Older than Haney and Been a Pro Nearly 3 Years Loooooonger, Yet Has Just 1 Fucking Name on his Resume to Hold Over Haney's Head... Fucking Joke! REED
Tank was interviewed on shoebox last night. He said the opponent doesn't matter - what matters is his performance. He also said Gamboa is his toughest opponent to date. Pathetic.