It was 100% staged. I passed out during this boring fight and woke up when they were showing the replay. Right away the second i saw the reply I said to myself it's fixed. I saw it right away.
Canelo isn't this beast with freakish punching power. This KO win over Kov may lead many people to believe that. We knew Kov was vulnerable and old etc, but to get knocked out the way he did to a much smaller guy? It's astonishing. He received a career high pay day so maybe he thought fuck it, I'll just do enough to see out the rounds and if I get knocked out then so be it. He's a complete shadow of the ruthless, destructive force he once was.
We don’t need to look much further than this as to why boxing is turning away fans. People are not stupid. Casual fans are only there for the ride. The moment Canelo loses, he’ll no longer be that guy and those groupies will go away. The corruption is just too much ‘in your face’ now. It’s bad enough that a fighter is so obviously juiced to the gills and we see it in front of us and nothing is done about, and now you add to the fact that he doesn’t even have to throw a meaningful punch in a round and he WINS it. This is a major reason why I have always despised Oscar. He is such a fucking hypocrite talking shit about Arum and Mayweather’s shenanigans, but his are even worse when it comes to helping protect Canelo. The very same shit he himself used to benefit from as a fighter (Waiting for guys to get old or struggle to make weight before fighting them, judges giving him rounds for doing next to nothing). And now he’s every part of that as a promoter but talks shit??? Fuck Oscar and fuck Canelo. They’re both cheats.
REED Won't Get Into the Fixed/Not Fixed Aspect (Until He Releases His Video ), But THIS Fight In Particular Will Keep Kovalev OUT of the IBHOF for Sure... And Deservedly So... REED
To add to this what really gets on my nerves is the broadcasts. Yes HBO and others played favorites on occasion but it wasn't this blatant, and they weren't afraid to call out a bad or questionable decision. Oscar of course got the most leeway but they weren't trying to convince you that he was winning every round every time he fought. With Canelo the promoters, sanctioning bodies and broadcasters all seem to be part of a unified team.
No doubt, but I don't know if he would have been deserving even if he won. What's really pathetic about the whole thing is how Kovalev fought very tepidly, didn't throw power shots or utilize his size advantage but was still winning.
Once again thank god internet posters are not judges. Canelo was easily as fuck winning, and by about the sixth round I turned to my buddy and said he’s reeling him in, bank on a late round knockout. Another impressive Canelo performance.
And if every post before this one ^ had been "Canelo really impressive... I had him up 10-0 at the time of the KO, which by the way is the greatest KO ever", the post would instead say "Kovalev was up at least 9-1 but was barely trying... the final punch wasn't thrown hard and the referee waved it off as soon as it landed... typical internet sheeple can't even see the corruption. I remember watching Dokes/Weaver I as a 1 year old and even then I took my pacifier out of my mouth, pointed my rattle at the TV and told my dad 'that stoppage is sketchy as fuck'"
Kovalev sure was a fragile motherfucker, guys. I like him, always have - I think he should be remembered as a very good light heavy - but the past three years have shown he would get his ass kicked by virtually all the elite light heavys in history.
Kovalev was on the HOF Fence in REED's Opinion... If Not for a SHAKY Decision vs. Andre Ward, Kovalev's Regarded as THE Best Light Heavy of his Era, the Best Since Roy Jones...He Wiped his Ass w/All Willing Challengers Up til Then, in IMPRESSIVE Fashion... But in the End, Like Biggie Smalls Said "It Was All a DREAM!" agREED on Kovalev's Approach vs. Canelo...He Fought Like HE was the Guy Moving Up 2 Weight Classes....Threw MAYBE 5 Hard Jabs and Hurtful Right Hands in 11 Rounds and Was Made to Look Like Amir Khan or James Kirkland... But Yeah, Based on Sheer ACTIVITY, He was (Objectively) Winning the Fight Nonetheless... REED
Yeah, You Can Smell DMan's Trolling from 10 Messageboard Pages Away... It All Started w/his Strange Fixation w/Zab Judah and Continues Years Later... REED
He always waits for like 100 posts to appear, if there's any kind of consensus he makes a post stating the polar opposite of the consensus... just piping hot takes without any consistent logic linking them
You guys think about whether a guy is going to get into the IBHOF? Fuckin punching bag Gatti is in there, Rocky Graziano is in there ... Jess Willard... Ingemar Johansson... it's hardly exclusive
The Thing w/Kovalev is he's Physically AND Mentally Fragile...It's Rare that a World Class Fighter is Both... Despite their Paper Mache Chins, you Can't Really Question the Mental Strength of Amir Khan or David Price, for Example...As DELUDED As They Were, they Kept Getting Back in the Ring After Those 3rd and 4th KO Losses (or 6th in Price's Case)... On the Flipside, Sugar Shane was TOUGH, But there was a Degree of MENTAL Give Up Shone On His Face btwn Rounds of Most of his Losses...Zab Judah Proved to Be TOUGHER than the Tszyu KO Illustrated, Yet Zab's Mental was Usually a Safe Bet to Snatch DEFEAT from the Jaws of Victory... Kovalev is a Dual Threat...Mentally Fragile AND 1 Clean Bodyshot Away from Being a Distressed Damsel... REED
I disagree about Shane. I don't think he was mentally weak. Shane's problem was he didn't have much of a ring IQ.
The IBHOF's Problem is No CLEAR Criteria... To REED, it's a Mixture of Ability, Accomplishment, Historical Impact, the Ability to RESONATE within Your Era, etc...And it Certainly Doesn't Hurt if Your Exploits Are Privy to American Fight Fans... Gatti and Graziano were Certified Crowd Pleasers...Graziano was a Crowd Pleaser Back when Boxing was a MAINSTREAM Sport...Jack Johnson/Jack Dempsey Obviously Punched Jess Willard's HOF Ticket. The Manner of Johansson's Win Over Patterson, Coupled w/the Liking American Audiences Took to Him Got Him In... A Notoriously IMPERFECT HOF to Say the Least Though... To REED's Point, Kovalev Doesn't Check Any of the Aforementioned Boxes... REED
I think he meant well, and wanted to win, he just wasn't a versatile fighter. He still had a HOF career cause he was unbelievably talented, but not very smart, and not very creative.
You Could Literally SEE it Written on Shane's Face... As Early as Round 3 or 4 vs the Wink, he's Sitting in his Corner Looking Depressed, Piss Poor/Defeatist Body Language, and You Knew Right THEN Shane was Done... Whenever You Saw THAT Look on Shane's Face, No Matter How Early or Late it was in the Fight, it was a Wrap... REED
If you go in the tank then there have to be reservations about "HOF" etc etc. It shouldn't affect anyone who beat him, or anyone he beat, for that matter, with one obvious exception being Canelo himself. Ward etc should be OK and deserve to have their records based on what transpired in their individual fights, much as the first Ward fight would need to be taken into account should Kov ever be up for consideration for the HoF.
Amazing how these people always turn to their imaginary best buddy and never ever their very real bookmaker. Amazing that.
This is a bit unfair. The guy went years unbeaten easily defeating the likes of Hopkins, Pascal, Cleverly and, in the eyes of pretty much everyone, Ward. I do agree there is fragility in him, but it isn't fair to say that we found out how he 'really' was when he was 35ish and had been boozing for years. Just like the fragile Roy after 35 years wasn't the 'real' Roy
It's always the same. Hatton never had a chin. Mike liked to quit. I heard Marciano retired rather than fight Floyd Patterson. Liston committed suicide cos he was afraid of Leotis Martin. IT's TRUE!!!
Yeah. I think that the last few fights (assuming that the canelo fight is not a fix) showed that Stevenson would have Koed Kovy if they had fought when both were in their prime. Too much heart and too much power. Still, its a tragedy that Kovy was blindly robbed in the first (and second to a lesser extent) ward fight. Seems like it destroyed his carreer.