From that Particular Album "Regrets", "Dead Presidents" and "22 Two's" are REED's Faves... REED was in Battle Rap Mode This Video and That Line was PERFECT!...Noticing More and More Boxing Youtubers Spitting Rhymes @ the Beginning of their Shit, Something REED was Doing on Pugilism Company a Year or So Ago...Not Saying they're Biting, Not Saying They Aren't... REED Even Did a Nipsey Hussel Themed Rhyme, Where he Predicted the Pac-Thurman Winner a Couple Months PRIOR to the Fight... BoxingEGO Has Worked In Rhymes for Years on His Channel, but REED Doesn't Recall Him Starting a Video w/Any...But Now, More an More Motherfuckers are Doing It... REED
Wow. Tough fight. 42-year-old-never-fought-anyone/never-won-anything Luis Ortiz vs 34-year-old-hardest-puncher-in-boxing-but-can't-box Deontay Wilder. See if any of you sad-as-fuck boxing-faggots can read between the lines.
Possibly true. I mean anyone whose strong-ish and winds-up a haymaker every now and then can 'punch hard'. Wilder, to me, is the sort of guy any average Joe would get in the ring with and not feel that 'threatened'. e.g. not like a Liston, Foreman, Frazier, Shavers, Tyson, Bruno, Lewis...
Szpilka has a glass chin . Post some pictures of Wilder knocking someone out with a proven chin. I'll wait.....
People talk about wilder's power only because the division is boring and they're desperate for a savior. Wilder is nowhere near hardest punchers in the division's history. NOWHERE near.... nothing but a resume filled with glass chins quitters and dives. BY FAR the most overrated heavyweight in recent memory.
Ah, Okay... 1nce Upon a Time You were POLLUTING this Site w/Artur Szpilka Nonsense, Proclaiming Him Future Heavyweight Champion of the World, etc...At the Same Time, You've Flat Out REFUSED to Give Deontay Wilder Even a SLIVER of a Shred of Credit...Ever,,, Figures You'd NOW Try to Save Face By (FINALLY) Admitting Your Polish Hero SUCKED All Along (Despite the Fact You ONLY Liked Him @ All BECAUSE he Was Polish), Rather Than Admit the Obvious; You're WRONG About Wilder! REED
By Your OWN Admission, You Don't Even LIKE or WATCH Boxing All That Much...Sooooo, What the Fuck Would YOU Know About the "Hardest Punchers in the Division's History" employee???... REED's Pretty Certain You Only BEGAN Watching Boxing When Andrew Golota Surfaced, Which Takes REED Right Back to His Original Point; You Don't Know Shit About the "History" of the Division, its "Punchers" OR Boxing in General... To Put This in Terms You'll Actually Comprehend, Deontay Wilder Punches SIGNIFICANTLY Harder than Chode Maple and Would Likely END Your Baby Daddy's Life w/a Single, Flush Right Hand... Got It???... REED
Yeah. At the time, 1984-89, guys were saying his power was Foreman-esque...just his delivery was so robotic.
Around the 6:50 min mark, guys talking about Bruno's power: This would be early '80s - Bruno would come in at around 215-220 then, too.
Pubs and gyms never get turned into curry shops, it's always a Tesco/Sainsbury's "Metro" or like you say, a shitty apartment complex thingy.
Yeah I dig. Always some small shit version of the big shit version. "Here people once made parts for Spitfires using precision engineering to .00001" tolerance. Try our croissants, only £1.20 each.". Twats. I was walking down the Richmond Road today and I saw a Postie open the old red cast iron Victorian post box. I like how they kept the exterior but the interior is filled with electronics that count letters or something and keep a record of how often it was open closed. Of course back in the day you could trust the Postman you didn't need a computer in a box
He's a HATER of Contemporary Heavyweight Boxing... As Much as REED Looooooooooooooves and RESPECTS Brothers X, Neil and McDogg, You Have to Take Their Posts On Present Day Heavy's w/the Proverbial "Grain of Salt"... This (SERIOUSLY) Isn't a Wind-Up Attempt on REED's Behalf Either, it Just IS What it Is... REED
I think Wilder wins again but it’s gonna be competitive like the last fight. I see a repeat scenario. Ortiz outboxes him through much of the fight but Wilder will eventually find him and take him out while down on the cards.
First fight was one of the best heavyweight fights in recent memory. The key question is, if Ortiz hadn't punched himself out, would he still have wilted under Wilder's assault? Also, Wilder is going to be a little gun-shy in my opinion, not wanting to get caught like he did in the first fight. That will play into Ortiz. Also, Ortiz is very skilled. The idea he is sub-par compared to guys from the past is nutty.