The hype machine is gaining momentum. He's already on local PPVs, feasting on local hapless opponents at Jnr Middle. Has a very slim amateur career, aroud 30 local bouts I think. Likely to fight for a regional strap against some Pan-African nobody sometime in 2020, then look to a Top 5 rank to fight for a title. Has his father's old crew in his corner to try to do it all again. He's got some natural talent for sure, but unlike his father has no Soviet amateur boxing career to season him. Also unlike his father, no real concussive one-shot power. Chin remains untested. I'm not particularly impressed, but his team will probably manoevre him towards a belt.
Everyone sucks or is kinda sucky to the mongrel There is adonis stevenson and then a buncha scrubs littering the entire sport
Yeah exactly. Tszyu Snr was brought up in a poverty stricken household in Siberia - Tszyu Jnr brought up in a multi-million dollar waterfront mansion in Sydney.
He has a point though. Sons of successful fighters never had to learn endurance and tenacity to escape adversity.
I havent seen tszyu fight. I'd say a bigger problem among sons of boxers is lack of talent. If their father was an accountant would they ever even consider taking up the sport?
They'd probably be junior accountants. There is some genetic propensity to athleticism, but heart is another thing altogether.
I can't see him going far. If he's got dads chin but none of dads power and schooling then what's his chances? Obviously, his father did fight in a good deep era of 140... and took a lot of bombs to get gone...even Hurtado must have had SOME power. Judah, Hatton, Phillips, Hurtado, MAG, Sharmba Mitchell, even old Oktay Urkal was a decent fighter....... I like the kid to do well but my experience as alluded to in Reeds video and the posts of others....sons tend to not to well. Can he throw a 1000 punches a fight?
Not Only Is it Genotype In REED's Opinion, But the Full Potential WITHIN That Gene Tends to SKIP a Generation for Whatever Reason... In an EVERYDAY Sense, REED's Pretty Sure Aaron Pryor's Kids Acquitted Themselves Well in Most Hand-to-Hand Street Altercations...Probably Possessed a Fistic Gene BEYOND Joe Blow, Just Lacked the FULL Potential of The Fistic Gene Passed Down from Dad... REED Doubts it Would Take Tim Tszyu Terribly Looooooooooooong to Silence a Shit Stirrer in a Bar Either...He's Got ENOUGH Of His Dad's Genes to Exceed the Norm, But Not Enough to Approach/Exceed What Pops Achieved... It's NOT Specific to Boxing Either... Kobe Bryant's Father (Jellybean) Played Professional Basketball for the Better Part of 20 Years...1st In the NBA, Then Many Years in Italy, Where Kobe Grew Up (Still Speaks Fluent Italian to This Day)...Jellybean was Decent But NOT 1 of THE 10-15 Best Players That Ever Lived, as Kobe Is...Dad WASN'T Great, Son IS Great... Steph Curry's Dad (Dell) was 1 of the Better Shooters of His NBA Days...Steph's Already Regarded as THE Best Shooter that Ever Lived...Dad WASN'T Great, Son IS Great... There's Obviously Outliers Like the Manning Family...Peyton, Eli and their Ol' Man Archie were ALL Taken # 1 in the NFL Draft, Playing the Same Position No Less... It's a GENE Thing for Sure, But There's Something Within the Gene Itself that Makes its FULL Potential Skip a Generation More Times Than Not... REED
what's that thing about skipping a generation? Is there s lot of grand kids of great fighters who turned out to be great fighters as well?
It's also hunger. Successful boxers usually come from a place of poverty, violence etc. Their sons come from waterside mansions.
The environment. Inheriting money alone won't make somebody into a great businessman. It does however give them access to both a formal an informal education. Built-in connections and all that comes with it. The money part also let's say helps. The best wisdom a father who garnered wealth getting punched in the face is to not do it. Forget about the money part and the easy outs for a minute. If the kid is insistent there is still only so much advice a pro can give to a son or anybody else. Once you get in the ring you're on your own. To make matters worse promoters are going to do what they do. Promote. They can make more money using that name. They get carefully managed as "prospects" even if they haven't shown the talent. At the same time they've made more money than better fighters without that advantage.
Skips @ LEAST 1 Generation...It's Still a WORKING Theory... Could Skip MORE Than 1 Generation...It Very Well Could Pass to the Grand Kids or Great-Grand Kids, But By Then the Grand Parent/Great Grand Parents Exploits Are All But FORGOTTEN By the Family...Boxed Up in a Cob Web Infested Attic...To the Degree the Generation that MIGHT Actually Possess the Gene Doesn't Even Explore the Possibility of Having it... REED's Point Is, The GREATNESS Gene Rarely Passes Directly from Parent to Offspring Practicing the Same Sporting Vocation... LeBron James' Son (Bronny) Has an Extremely REMOTE Chance of Being a TRULY Great Basketball Player Because LeBron is 1 Himself... REED
That's Why REED Noted Kobe Bryant and Steph Curry...They Didn't WANT For Shit Growing Up Either, Yet EXCEEDED Their Fathers Professional Exploits Considerably... REED
This theory only works for boxing imo. Cause it's a hard hard sport. If you're rich, you wont become a great fighter period (yeah, I know, Barrera) In hockey, theres a lot of sons of greats who turned out to be good great
Can't say I agree with that sentiment at all really. Obviously the 2 best fighters ever come from abject poverty - Duran and Pacquiao - but it's certainly not a prerequisite to be great, or to even have heart and balls. Plenty people who are ghetto af and grew up poor, simply have no talent and no heart. Tbh most of the scrubs who Oscar KO'd on his way to the top had much rougher upbringings than him, and were absolutely guys who "needed to fight rather than wanted to fight".
Hopefully for this kid there isnt a "Cool" jr lurking Mayweather Jr didnt grow up hard at all, either.
Exactly. The story that the best fighters were born in poverty and the difficulties had cultivated them to become ruthless fighting machines is just that, a story. We don't see the greatest fighters coming out of Bangladesh nor Burundi
Theres a difference between poverty, middle class and wealthy beyond imagination. Most, if not all, of the sons of great boxers are in the latter category. I dont think its a good environment to become a great fighter
Another thing that might hinder the development of sons of great is that they get big opportunities without making much effort because of their last name. A guy like eubank jr is clearly talented . The fact that he was getting million dollar paydays so early probably made him less hungry. After all the goal of the game is to become rich and famous, and he already has