One of the few movies I actually saw in the theaters in the last year. It's pretty good. Not great, but good. I think my family liked it better then me. 7/10
Daniel Craig was ok, his ridiculous southern accent notwithstanding. It was fine and kind of fun. I've never been much of a fan of Agatha Christie type "whodunits", though, so maybe it wasn't entirely for me. It was good for what it was, if you like that type of movie. Worse thing I can say I suppose, is I had to watch the trailer, to even remember who was in the movie or what plot twist I should care about. Like Keyser Spacey says: "Once I left the was gone."
I think Craig's southern accent was suppose to be intentionally funny. I mean it was, afterall, a dark comedy. This wasn't Keanu Reeves in Dracula aka an UNINTENTIONALLY funny accent.
Watched half of the movie and turned it off. Felt more like a chore than actual entertainment. Not a movie for everybody.
I actually can't recall ANY young children in the movie. Panch was like "I can't get hard to this shit!"
Yeah- i think his accent was supposed to have been fake, as one of the other characters points out how ridiculous it sounds at one point. He’s a PI and that may be part of his ‘disguise’. As to the movie... very good 8.5/10. One of the things that helped the enjoyment for me was that I was ‘onto’ it throughout, so I was actively involved in figuring out the mystery and had it very close by the time of the reveal. The main ‘plot twist’ was very apparent to me, almost from the moment it happened.
I thought it was good. I have a thing for Ana De Armas (that shower scene from Sex, Party and Lies) so that helps. Also Katherine Langford. I’m not sure where Al Pacino in Scarface and John Malkovich in Rounders fall under. I don’t get the impression Pacino wasn’t trying to be funny, but he was. And Malkovich was just hilariously awful with his voice and accent.