Haney is quickly becoming the most dislikable fighter in boxing and he hasn't even gotten started. You ain't fought a quality fighter of ANY race yet, MF! And had a world title belt gifted to you.
Haney = the lightskinned Floyd, only without a fraction of the talent. He even stutters just like Floyd. I'd imagine a convo with those two would last about 2 hours with maybe three full sentences being strung together. 50 Cent in the background the whole time yellin "T-t-t-TODAY junior!"
Yeah, He's a Domestic Violence Case Away from SERIOUSLY Challenging Tank Davis for that Particular Title... REED
Speaking of Stuttering, Floyd Sr. was Removed from Haney's Corner Because of "Communication" Issues... REED
REED Would Only SLIGHTLY Favor Haney Over Luke Campbell @ This Point...55-45, 60-40 Fight in REED's Opinion... Haney Isn't Ready for Loma OR Josh Taylor Anytime in the Next 1.5-2 Years Though...His Immediate "White Boy" Future Ain't Looking Tooooo BRIGHT from REED's POV... That Said, if Haney Never Fights Any He'll Never Be BEATEN By Any... REED
Haney is one of my favorite fighters right now. I think he is superb. The white boy shit is just marketing. It's lame, but it gets people talking about you. Bernard Hopkins did it, I'm sure many others have, as well. In case Kovalev wasn't white enough, Joe Smith Jr demonstrated that Bernard wasn't Nostradamus.
Correct REED if He's WRONG, But He's Always Figured You were White, mikE?... ASSuming that's the Case, White Folks Typically Have THICKER Skin, More TOLERANCE for Racial Slights...Conversely, Black Folks Typically Have THINNER Skin, Less TOLERANCE for Racial Slights... @ 21 Years of Age, Devin Haney is FULLY Aware of This... w/That Established, REED GUARANfuckingTEES Haney Wouldn't Be Cool w/a White Fighter (Especially IN His Weight Range) Making Sweeping Judgements As Such of Black Fighters... DO Unto Others....SAY Unto Others...Don't Go Out of Your Way to STIR Pots Unless You're Prepared for YOUR Own Pot to Be Stirred Also...And If/When You've Reached THAT Point, You Have NOfuckingRIGHT to Bitch About Your Particular Pot @ All in REED's Opinion... Even if Haney Only Said it to Be Provocative and SELL Himself, it was Irresponsible as Fuck...Be MORE Creative @ Least... REED
Funny because there was already some little inbred white guy on British TV claiming he went to the USA to spar Haney and got Haney in a headlock "Gave him a nuggy" and then messed with him some more. Haney is possibly still irked by this affair. By the way Haney is a pretty goofy unmasculine looking dude.
I don't know who this dude Haney is. Whom he has fought? best fight? I want to check a video of his best performance. Thank you.
All these young fighters talk too much. Haney, Lopez, and Garcia. Neither has fought great competition and all three behave as if they are pound 4 pound the best.
agREED... 'Fimo's Backed Up His Tough Talk, @ Least...Seems More GENUINE In His Boasts/Predictions Also, Whereas Tank, KingRy and Dev Are TRYING to Be Provocative and Edgy... REED
When things start back up, this division has so much potential. The guy I think is the best--Haney--could lose to at least four of his contemporaries without it being a big deal--Loma, Kingry Garcia, Davis, and Lopez. This is a stacked division. I'm probably forgetting something in-between, I don't think we've had this since the Floyd, Casamayor, Acelino, Corrales foursome. And this is a fivesome. Maybe more. Am I forgetting anyone?
There's s beast at 130 by the name of Berchelt but he's a little guy so I don't think he's coming up to lightweight for another two years or so.
I actually touted Berchelt as someone to watch immediately before he got his first loss, haha. He was being shown a lot on Spanish Tv, I think it was Univision. He is also superb.