What Stinger said. It's very alarming how many casuals who saw that video and think Tyson could come back to rule division. I see a whole bunch of fucking idiots who saw the video and said "Tyson can still beat Wilder!" Wilder cant fight a lick, but he'd probably end Mike's life at this stage. In no way should such a matchup even be sanctioned. Pads and bag mean nothing. Ray Leonard put up a video last year of him hitting the bag, and he still looks amazing doing so. Does that mean current Leonard could beat Spence?
Love Mike and that clip looks incredibly impressive however you don't know how many takes this took. He probably fell on his ass in 30 takes before they got it right. Not to mention had to rest for 10 minutes after throwing this crazy combo. Nevertheless incredibly impressive for a Twitter clip but lets not act like he's back. He's 53 you idiots.
Nobody on THIS forum thinks it means anything. We all realize it is what it is... Mike, even at 53, looks damn good on the pads. But casuals??? They dont know the difference. They think it means he's ready for Wilder, Fury, and AJ.
The intelligence of casual sports fans is mind blowingly low. I'm no MLB fan, but if someone posted a clip of Ken Griffey Jr. crushing balls in a batting cage, I'd have the common sense to realize that DOESNT mean Griffey could return to the Majors.
Forget Tyson. If there was a brief clip of Lebron James or some other famous athlete looking impressive hitting the mitts a bunch of morons would say they'd have a chance of winning a world title.
The clueless media also keeps spreading the false rumor that Mike is making a comeback. I dunno if its simply for click bait purposes, or if they're that ignorant about boxing and dont know the difference. Mike said he would be doing some exhibitions for charity, not making a fucking comeback.
Lastly, what the layman didnt notice is that Mike fell off balance after throwing that last right hand. The old man is falling off balance on the fucking pads!!! He'd have zero footwork and balance in a real fight at this point.
I dont think hes falling off balance, seems to me like hes doing a small jump back to create a little distance between him and the trainer, and regain his leverage on his right hand
What's still impressive is how he properly shifts his weight to generate full power with either hand. These young offensive fighters of today were taught by a bunch of hacks and not masters like Cus.
I saw the clip a few days ago and i only heard something about a potential exhibition match. Even that possibility wasn't confirmed. Some media outlets talking about a comeback wouldn't exactly surprise me. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar could be filmed shooting some free-throws in a gym and idiots would be saying he's preparing a return to the NBA, or as it's better known the Nation Wide Basketball Society.
Obviously he couldn't do shit at pro level....but thats convincing evidence he would still hospitalise 99 men in 100 in 5 seconds flat
To REED's Knowledge, All Mike Said is he's "Open to Doing Exhibitions"... Not Sure if Any Have Been Planned/Mapped Out, Specifically...Seemed to Be Putting it Out There as a CHARITABLE Option, More than Anything... REED
I’d like to think people here are smarter than that.. but then again there was a significant % of posters here who picked Iron Mike over Lewis !!
ive said the same thing for years. The two best fighters Tyson fought,..he lost to. Mike came along at the perfect time. Sure,.he had power and speed..and a good chin. But he was a smallish heavyweight that relied a lot on intimidation.
The same could be said for Tommy Hearns among others. Add to that those fights took place post prison and against Lennox in particular he was a shell.
Most Fighters w/a KO % On Par w/Tyson's Have a BIT of an "Intimidation" Factor to Them... The Notion of Tyson "Losing to Anybody That WASN'T Scared of Him" is Overblown... REED
Prison didn't hurt Sonny Liston any and he was probably about 5 years older than Tyson when he was sprung to fight.
Every single person on yt comments now convinced he could regain the belts. What is wrong with people?