Not gonna lie, Naz is a hilarious lil fucker. Credit to hit for nailing lisping ass Eubank in the grill. "Chris.... do you like me belts?"
Eubank is a grade-A nutcase. Truly, the guy has something wrong with him upstairs. Always has. I couldn't envision holding a normal conversation with him. You'd probably be totally lost after 30 seconds of speaking with him. Hamed, outside his cocky attitude, has always come across as a down-to-Earth guy who could have a normal conversation with, and who probably would make you laugh. It sounds like all jealousy on Eubanthhhh end. Now, his kid don't even train with him anymore. Junior is being taught by Roy now, learning things I'm sure his old man never knew how to show him. Eubanthhhhh must feel like a failure.
Hamed is a pig now, bottom line. He let one loss destroy him. Lots of fighters have as they can't handle defeat like Mike Tyson never could and Gerry Cooney as well.
I don't think he gives a shit. The guy is rich, and has all his faculties. What percentage of boxers leave the sport with both?
Yeah, just two things. Hamed got fat in his 30's. His early 30's. Hamed used to weigh 126. So.....he went from 126 and a pro athlete to..........196 and a pro a very short space of time. You don't see Joe Calzaghe in that state. Not even Ricky Hatton got that bad, and Hattons a fucking mess. But hey there's a lot of MESSES in here. Fightmess.
Bro.......when you need to wear velcro shoes cos you can't tie your laces, you ain't got your faculties.......there are 5 year olds with skills Naz ain't got now I am merely pointing out why Stinger called him a "Pig"'s cos he's fat. Is he happy? He must be. He's been fat for years.
Well I mean it's a bit surprising that a guy so famed for his rubber-routine would allow himself to get to a state whereby velcro shoes became a necessity. Nobody said he owed us jack. He owes himself something, maybe. Lucky he's Muslim and not Jewish, cos he's owed himself that something for about 20 years now. Think of the Interest!! OY VEY!
Eubanks has always been a space case. He returned to London after winning a fight overseas and they had sent a car to pick him up at the airport. When it arrived Eubanks told the driver to fuck off and come back with a limo or a car befitting of a world boxing champion. And he stood there waiting for the guy to come back in a better car. I know this because Eubank told the story in an interview. He was proud of this. Nigel Benn also had some sort of beef with Naz at one point. Something about him throwing Naz out of his gym at one point. I remember Benn saying "He used to be a decent bloke but now he's too big for the boots."
I think I remember now. Naz wrote a book and it had some negative things about Benn in it. Then he had the balls to go to Benn's gym like nothing happened and they threw him out.
Even this “I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today” version of Hamed would absolutely SLEEP that chicken mama Hegman with one shot if the old nonce had the sack to take the red eye to London and spew his envy to his face