Regardless of the typo, does this mean that having an articulated ass is a good thing? The definition of "articulated" is: having two or more sections connected by a flexible joint. I think something must have been lost in translation!
you two simpletons seems to be unaware that the word unarticulated (and articulated for that matter) has more than one definition. Sad, if not surprising
Well according to Merriam Webster, inarticulated is actually a word. So your sad bigoted little game of looking for typos just backfired on you. You have a great talent for humiliating yourself
Yeah it IS a word but it doesn’t make any fucking sense in the context you used it, Maurice “Rocket” Retard
If you knew it has more than one definition, you would realise that it made perfect sense Dont know why im even wasting my time with a subhuman such as you. Its more and more obvious that you either have some kind of degenerative disease or that you've fucked your brain with your drug abuse . While you never were the sharpest pencil in the box, you've become more and more incoherent in the last few years
This reference is amazing and I’m pretty certain the only other guy that would get it is Nobleart ... it’s a joke within a joke
“...listening to your fat inarticulated ass” This implies a lack of joints in REED’s butt or at best that REED lacks joints in general (if we accept the slang of “your ass” meaning “you”) The other meaning of inarticulate doesn’t end in the letter ‘d’ under ANY circumstance...
And if he intended the other meaning of articulated and meant to write "unarticulated" he would be talking about an "unmentioned or unspoken ass" which also makes zero sense. Rather than Lost in Translation, it's more Last in Translation. Dead Last.
REED Didn’t Even Realize He was Being Dissed Until Now. Not Sure Why, But JoM’s Been in a Pissy Mood Lately. REED
I actually thought he was talking about Cdogg's ass, though why asses are on his radar, I have no idea. Anyway, this demonstrates that his insults are so inarticulate they're too inaccurate to hit anything and therefore his point remains largely unarticulated.
Nah, REED giggled at something (hilarious) that I typed and JOM got furious and took shots at his videos and his voice
If you're unable to comprehend such a simple phrase cause of a small typo, your cognitive abilities are clearly severely limited, my little friend Numerous studies have shown that a normal person is able to understand a text even though it is riddled with errors. Kudos to you for admitting that youre located at the extreme left of the iq curve
Couple Months Back JoM Said REED Had a "Cool" Voice and Sounded like a "Jazz Man"...Lately, JoM Giggles @ employee's Lame "Jokes" about Mrs. REED, Yet REED Doesn't Get Pissy About It...@ All... Not Sure What Crawled Up JoM's Ass, Nor Does REED Care...It's Like When a Wrestler Goes from Face to Heel... REED
He's always been that way. Maybe it's been more pronounced now due to so many places being closed. He's the type that roid rages, wears a shirt two sizes too small and goes to night clubs looking to get into a fight. He'll order some cooler or girly drink just hoping somebody laughs or makes a comment so he can flex and say "you got a problem with that bro!?" Now that option is mostly gone he has to get his aggression out on message boards.
I think this might be the single greatest heel ever conceived... it’s so terrible it’s good even at like 12 years old or whatever I was when he did this character, I remember thinking “really? The fucking GENIUS? That’s the character? And he’s a genius because he’s wearing a graduation cap and gown and recites poetry?” Just him deciding to develop this persona and then racking his brain to come up with a visual representation of whatever a genius is and ending up with that outfit like “yes, BOOM” ... it’s just hilarious to me