This film is creating controversial buzz as it supposedly is a satirical take on the current political division. Originally titled 'Blue State vs Red State' is just another remake of 'The Most Dangerous Game' where a group of elite liberals hunt down deplorables MAGA hats Trump supporters. After the recent shootings Universal Studios ordered to edit the film to tone down its political angle after some backlash from Conservative groups. Anyway the trailer gives the whole plot and who dies and who wins. Some media outlets and tv channels have refused to air the trailer considering it of bad taste because of the use of firearms, not because of its political angle.
I'm confused. If the bad guys in this are "elite liberals", and the good guys in this are MAGA Hat wearing Trump supporters, why are Trump supporters up in arms over this? Or perhaps they just read a Russian planted review/narrative of this film, and made their minds up without even watching the trailer......................or it's actually about none of those things and is simply, "The Most Dangerous Game", people with clout, killing people without clout, for sport, done for the umpteenth time. Bunch of fuckin' triggered snowflakes they are............. Director has done some vaguely interesting stuff. I was expecting a "Purge" rip-off, but this might actually be slightly better.
The controversy started before the trailer release and the synopsis of 'Blue State vs Red State' came out in the Hollywood Reporter. But Universal then changed the title to 'The Hunt" did some heavy editing about the "anti-abortion, MAGA hats Trump supporters' references, even though the target victims are still called 'The Deplorables' per some reports. After watching the trailer, I have no beef since the redneck deplorable lady ends up killing all the 'Elite' members, including Hillary Swank.
Universal announced today that it is cancelling the release of 'The Hunt' amid all the uproar its premise created. Universal cancels The Hunt release following controversy
Agreed. I thought movies suck these days mostly because the studios are so worried about the bottom line. Yet here they are throwing a film in the gutter because overly sensitive people are going to have their feelings hurt and go at the studios on social media.
On second thought: I wound up watching it at my friend’s house. My friend who is a conservative told me it was good and put it on and he was right. This was a very good movie and I highly recommend it. Good action, nice dark humor and very good pacing and dialogue. Try to enjoy it despite the fact Panchy spoiled it and that he is Neanderthal enough to consider the movie worth his time only because his political faction wins the day. 8/10.
I didn't spoiled anything. I just went by what the trailer showed which is what movie trailers do today: give everything away! I still have not watched it.
Definitely agree today’s trailers give away too much, from the best action sequences and lines to even twists in the film. Back in the day the purpose of the trailer was to give a brief synopsis of what the film was about while revealing as little as possible of the quality scenes. Today’s trailers seem to focus on showing how awesome the movie is by showing off some of the best scenes and lines.
And that sucks because when you watch the film you realize you already saw the best it could offer. For dramas is even worse as they show the ENTIRE plot in the trailer so you feel no need to watch it afterwards.