Broooo... even as a black man, I'll be the FIRST to admit... this is horseshit! Outrage as Paulie Malignaggi is dropped by Showtime for 'race comments' So this is the statement that got him canned. It was in response to the Floyd wannabe (Haney) saying he'd never lose to a white boy a few months ago. This is what Paulie said: “Boxing has had its course in history with certain demographics dominating more than others, right? “Maybe like 100 years ago, Irish fighters were better. And then the Jews and the Italians came in. “I think the African-American fighter became most dominant in the sport in the 70s, 80s. And even 90s. “It’s (the Eastern European fighters like Loma and Usyk) that has become the dominant species in boxing. I think stating something like (what Haney said) could be very dangerous.” Cmooonnnnnn! Jesus Christ, that shit wasn't even in the least bit offensive! So Showtime axed him, and he's being replaced by... Abner Mares. How exciting... Great job, Showtime. You just fired one of only THREE quality fighter analysts in the game. The only other two being Roy and Ward. I bet my mortgage that it's deeper than this. I think Paulie's been pissing off Showtime execs for years, and they just used this benign statement as an excuse to can him.
I wonder if he left it there they still would have had a problem or if it was saying white Eastern Euros tending to be more dominant currently is what they got mad at. Who knows. Like you said it could be there was something behind the scenes going on and this was just an (extremely weak and stupid) excuse. It could also be a lot of companies trying to do anything to appear more progressive and they just wanted to in someway be a part of the wave. This was their opportunity.
Pretty sure the comments that got him fired were these ones ''However, here is where it got costly for Malignaggi as he was baited by the reporter with the lead up to a question, “if a white fighter had said that about a Black fighter, ‘that i’ll never lose to a black boy’ that we’d be outright calling them racist and the reaction would be much bigger…” But Paulie took the bait. “I try not to join in the race conversations. This is one of the exact examples of why I don’t believe there is racial oppression in 2020 or in this century. I believe there has been, sure, but I don’t believe there is racial oppression today. I believe its all made up and I believe that it is exaggerated. “This is exactly one of the reasons why. The fact that a Black fighter can say that not pay any price financially. But if a White fighter said that about any Black fighters at all, he’d probably lose his TV contract and probably TV networks wouldn’t touch him, you know. “I won’t tell you that its a double standard but i’ll tell you that it does prove that the entire whole hypothesis of racial oppression is exaggerated in this century, you know. I don’t think this century has given us anything aside from any situations people want t nitpick, you know.”'' while I don't agree with him, it's very very disturbing that he got fired over this
Though, as my brother said, it's amazing that Paulie say that there is no racial oppresion now, while the only reason that the guy was shoved down our throats so much was because he's italian
Your statement doesn't really make sense. You are suggesting he experienced a boost at the expense of others. That isn't necessarily true. The field can be even with some individuals getting a boost for being unique. That doesn't make the field oppressed, at least not to a degree worth discussing.
What we need is someone from Showtime getting on the record as to why Paulie was fired. I think you might be exactly correct, but I'd rather we really know the reason instead of speculate and discuss.
Of course he did. If he got a boost cause he's Italian, that means hes privileged over other boxers.that aren't. That's basic logic But then, I'm not surprised it goes over your head
Lol, would you expect anything other than the safest of safe statements... Paulie’s values were not aligned with those of Showtime so going forward we decided to part ways. Showtime is a diverse and inclusive organization blah blah blah...
Pro Sports in the USA has the mother of all fucking shocks coming to it. People are getting tired of being asked to part with their hard-earned $$ and then being shat on at the same time. "Coming Soon:- Devon "Fuck Whitey" Haney vs Shamown Shamown, live on Showtime, $99.99" No thanks, said "White America", walking quietly away. Malignaggi couldn't be LESS privileged, a small brittle underpowered guy who survived on his wits and fought just about everyone around.
ridiculous, but he should have known that anyone with an employment contract is not allowed to say anything like that the only way he can save his career now is to start wearing a dress and advocating LGBT